Chapter Seven (Robb)

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Present Day

I held a cup of wine in my hand and swirled it around. Staring at the dregs as they spun in a whirlpool in the cup. My eyes only left the cup when I heard my wife's sobs again. She was across the long oak table in the small council room sitting damn near on her father's lap.

"Why did you let it get this bad? I could have sent healers- Maesters from all over the world! Uncle Stannis has a woman who knows magic and Daenerys said there's many of men who practice in magic and healing across the Narrow Sea.. I could have found a way! Please, Daddy! You can't give up!"

"Alana it isn't that simple." Cersei said as she rose to her feet and approached Alana, placing a hand on her shoulder and then hugging onto her slightly. "No magic in the world could heal your father."

"We don't know unless we try-"

"Magic isn't real." Robert grumbled. "I'm sorry, Princess. It's just the way of the world."

I snorted slightly and all eyes landed on me. I raised my brow and shrugged. "Robert, you say magic isn't real and yet... There are dragons in this world. People said they were just bedtime stories and yet Daenerys Targaryen has three dragons. Her husband rides one and her daughter the other. Magic is real, Your Grace."

"There's no magic. No bloody Gods either." Robert's fist bawled and his knuckles turned white. "If either is real then why did my best friend die? Why do I have a fucking peg leg! You hide the scar on your back, Robb. I know you do. That bear slashed you too-"

"What?" Alana paused. "I've never seen a scar on my husband."

"You don't look hard enough then." Robert replied quickly and my stomach sank.

"It's small." I muttered. "On my shoulder."

A nod from Robert. "Fucker's claw nicked him when Barristan took it down. If Theon didn't push Robb out of the way it would have been a whole hell of a lot worse."

"I hate bears." Alana sighed and I nodded in agreement with her. Her attention turned back to Robert as she ran her hand through his limp hair. "What can I do to help you, Daddy? What are your wishes?"

"My wishes came true five times already." He smiled. "I've got you and your siblings even if they're pains in my ass. The day each of you were born is my biggest blessing."

"I'm serious." Alana smiled softly. "What do you want us to do for you? Robb and I will do anything you ask-"

"Well maybe not anything." I interjected. "Sorry, I have some standards."

Robert rolled his eyes. "Is it too late to get you a new husband? Can that be one of my wishes?"

Alana laughed and shook her head. "No, Daddy. I love Robb and even if you made it your dying wish for me to wed someone else I'd never fulfill it."

I scoffed and crossed my arms. Leaning back in my chair and glaring at my father by law. For a man who hand selected me for his eldest daughter for some reason in recent years he's just been a fucking dick to me.

Nothing I do is right.

I'm no longer good enough for Alana.

He thinks I'm a dog shit father.

And you know what maybe I am but I'm trying harder when it comes to Saera. Jacerys is another story he's... He's just not been listening recently. And giving Alana such a hard time, all I can hope for is that he realizes his grandfather is sick and his mother is about to bury the man who is the reason all of us are alive. The man who she calls her hero.

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