45 - basketball!

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(irl + social media)

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(irl + social media)

The girls have a game against Northwestern tomorrow. We were getting onto the plane to Illinois which is Kate's home state.

Kate and I walked down the aisle of the plane, Kate stopping to smile at Kylie's vlog camera.

"Kyles!" She said.

Kate and I found our seats and I glanced at her, her focus on the strategy playbook in her lap. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, a sight that made my heart swell. The rest of the basketball team was scattered around us, some listening to music, others chatting quietly about the upcoming game.

As the Illinois landscape came into view through the small window, I felt Kate's hand find mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

The game itself was a blur. I cheered from the stands, my voice merging with the crowd. Kate was a force on the court, her movements both graceful and powerful.

The final buzzer sounded, and the scoreboard displayed their victory. I rushed to the court, my heart racing as I embraced her in a sweaty, hug, happy that we no longer had to hide our relationship.

They had won, not just the game, but a moment of the roar of the crowd. It was a victory of connection, of love, and of the unspoken bond that held us together through every high and low.

The final whistle had barely faded when the reality of what was coming next hit me like a wave. Meeting Kate's family. As we made our way through the fans, my palms began to sweat, not from the heat of the gymnasium, but from the nerves of the introductions.

Kate, being the definition of calm, caught the look in my eyes and gave me a reassuring nudge. "They're going to love you," she promised.

And there they were, a group that seemed to mirror the warmth in Kate's eyes. Her mom's embrace was comforting, her dad's handshake strong and steady. I found myself enveloped in a family huddle that felt as natural as joining a team huddle during a timeout.

Dinner was full of laughter and storytelling, each story painting a picture of the woman I had fallen for. I shared my own stories, feeling the threads of my life tying into theirs. As the night drew to a close, I realized that the game wasn't even the real win of the day, but gaining the trust and affection of Kate's family was.



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22,936 likeskatemartin03 flicks by char baby

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katemartin03 flicks by char baby


charlotteobrien damn she fineeeeee
katemartin03 charlotte.

jadagyamfi FIT GOES HARDDD
(liked by katemartin03)

caitlinclark22 hawks represent
(liked by katemartin03)

gabbie.marshall aw wait this is adorable
katemartin03 thxxx

kyliefeuerbach KATEEEEEE
katemartin03 KYLESSSSS

user1 i love u and charlotte omfg

The girls gathered their gear in the locker room. The sound of zippers and the rustle of jerseys being pulled over heads.

Kate's teammates buzzed around us, as Kate laced up her sneakers, her eyes met mine, a silent conversation passing between us.

This was more than just a game, it was another chapter in the story they were writing together, a story I was grateful to be a part of.

With each jersey tucked into a bag and each shoelace tied, the team was ready.

I had gotten onto the plane late and found Kate laid out over three seats. When she saw me, she immediately made room for me. We were nestled closely in the seats, the basketball team sitting around us.

The flight was short, conversations were hushed, strategy discussed in whispers.

As the plane touched down, the team, once relaxed, became excited. The game awaited, a challenge they were ready to meet head-on.

The gymnasium in Maryland was filled with noise, but Kate and her team were ready.

They had won 93-85 against Maryland.


33 likescharsflicks hypeeee

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charsflicks hypeeee


katemartin03 NOOO THATS FOUL
charsflicks no it's not.

jadagyamfi absolutely criminal
(liked by charlotteobrien)

caitlinclark22 i am actually dead
(liked by charlotteobrien)

gabbie.marshall absolutely no shame
charsflicks not at all

kyliefeuerbach omg somebody help her
charsflicks i'm actually peeing at this

sydney.affolter and the headphones never came off
charsflicks STOP

author's note
i love kate martin sm
so glad she made the final roster

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