"Hell yes! Let's go!" he said excitedly as he picked up Olivia from the ground "and let's get out of here because this sunrise is so not worth the early wake up alarm" he said as he started walking towards the door, Olivia laughing as he carried her. 

That day Max and Checo had left for the paddock early to have a team meeting but Olivia arrived at her regular schedule. Liv drank her cold coffee on one of the tables outside when Pato walked over to her as he walked by the Red Bull motor home  "Liv, hey" he said with a smile as he sat in front of her "So, your mom is here" he said casually.

"Where?!" Olivia immediately reacted startled and started looking around, ready to run away.

Pato laughed "No, no, I don't mean here right now, I mean here for the race" he laughed at her terrified reaction.

"Shit, don't scare me like that" said Olivia as a small laugh escaped from her and she threw a small piece of cookie at him.

Pato kept laughing, as his laugh died down he said "I just wanted to let you know she invited me to dinner with you. She said that if there's not a Red Bull win we would all get dinner and she invited me to come".

"Oh right, I did say I would go to that" she made a face "I really don't want to go but Checo convinced me" she explained.

"Yeah he told me about dinner the other day, about your mom going on and on and criticizing everything" he said as he gave her a pained look.

"Yeah it's like she doesn't get enough times to criticize me throughout the year so she stores everything up and releases it when we see each other once a year" she said "It's insane behavior".

"It really is" nodded Pato "I've really got to go, I just wanted to let you know about the dinner" he said as he stood back up "and if it's worth anything, you always look amazing, never listen to your mother Liv" he gave her a small wink with a friendly smile as he started walking away.

"Patito! Good job out there yesterday!" called out Liv referring to Pato's drive during FP1, he had been replacing Danny Ric during FP1 and he was ready to jump into action in case of an accident or illness from any of the two McLaren drivers.

Pato showed her his bright smile "Thanks Liv!" he called out.  

After a few minutes Liv saw the two Ferrari drivers walk by the Red Bull motor home "Hey you! The two guys in red!" she yelled out to them.

Carlos and Charles turned to Liv and she laughed as they  started walking over to her "Liv, what a miracle" said Carlos.

"Yes Liv, when your family is here you never pay attention to us" added Charles.

"Oh I'm sorry Percy I didn't want to hurt your feelings, I just never get to see my family but I see you two all the time" said Liv not taking them seriously.

"Checo told us you were hiding from your family" said Charles.

"Yeah well I didn't mean that family, I meant Carola and the kids" shrugged Liv "It's them I spend my time with".

"And Max, but not us" said Carlos pretending his feelings were hurt.

She rolled her eyes as a smile appeared on her face "Alright alright, I get it. But we'll get to spend all the time together next week, are you ready?".

"Hell yes, what's the plan?" asked Carlos.

"Of course, where are we going?" said Charles.

Liv told them about the change of plans, about Lewis not going, about the beach house "The infamous beach house!" said Charles brightly "I'm in, I don't even need to hear the rest of the plan".

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