(5) Hit by the chocking wave.

Start from the beginning

What the fuck

Was all he though of.

,,You don't DARE talk to your father that way! DO YOU HEAR ME?" He let go of his hair to grab his face.

He punched Lous chest to let go of him and but Lou just pushed his head to the ground then pulled his hair back closer to him and Cole groan loudly.

,,Shut up you piece of shit! ANSWER ME!"

,,I heard you!!"  So he pushed him off again and Lou stood up to hit his side as he was on the ground.

His father started getting angry and murmured something, it was loudly actually, but he couldn't make up what he said exactly.

Cole put his hands on the ground wanting to get up but when he looked up again his father threw a glass of water at him.  He moved quickly and managed to not get hit.

He looked at the shattered glass and the water was splashed all over the place.
He got back to his senses quickly and stood up knowing that his father was about to hit him with something else again sooner or later so he ran away to go upstairs.


He ran again but he just had to look back, to look at the monster his father became.

,,What is wrong with you?" Cole yelled at his father.

,,I SAID GET BACK HERE!"  and threw something else in his direction but it hit the wall, not him, cant really tell what was it this time but i didn't look back. He ran upstairs with his father behind him. Once he was at his door he kept hitting the doorknob, tears making their way out. It was fucking locked, he locked the door, he locked the fucking door, its locked. Lous steps louder and louder as he ran after him upstairs. He panicked as he kept trying to open the door and then ran away from it, running through the hallway, not knowing where to go. Why was it so scary? Why did he feel like a fucking child. It was pathetic.

 He felt his chest tightening and a cold wave hitting him hearing his father's voice. He walked into one room, and as he closed the door infront of his father and he realised he got in her mother's room. He quickly locked the door and sat down right infront of the door and started breathing heavily.

It just started to burn his skin, the scent of his mother, the memories of this house running through his head, bitting his sanity. He pulled himself back and his back hit his mother's bed, then he put his hands over his ears to stop hearing the banging on the door... even tho nobody was bangin, it got louder and louder. 

Right then, it made him feel bad, something made him feel bad... there\s always consequenses but he shouldn't go all crazy like that on him.

It was maybe the house, he felt like a father again for once. It was maybe the house because its their old house. Back in ninjago city they lived in a mansion, but because Cole got bad grades they had to move back here thats why his father was so so mad. They've moved out of this house exactly after their mother died beacuse Lou didn't want to remember her like that. It wasn't something big, they'd come here in vacations,or when they wanted to, for 1 to 2 weeks because they used to travel a lot. But now it's been a month since they've been here and it started to get on both of them

,,LEAVE!" Cole yelled, his voice breaking.

Lou wanted to yell back to him but he let him calm down first.

,,You're fucking crazy" He yelled again.

,,You're still punished." Lou said after a bit of silence, ,,And im sorry."  then started to walk off.

same beginning same ending: only usWhere stories live. Discover now