𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

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Scooping Maisha up into his arms, he felt her tiny arms wrap around his neck tightly. Together, they made their way upstairs, with Anisha following closely behind.

In the room, Anisha assisted Maisha in changing her clothes, then watched as Maisha excitedly ran towards Atharva, holding a book.

Anisha gently intercepted Maisha. "Baby, where are you taking this book?" she inquired softly.

With wide-eyed innocence, Maisha replied, "Papa will tell me stories, mamma!" her voice filled with anticipation and excitement.

Realising Atharva's simmering anger, Anisha intervened gently. "Baby, not today. Papa will tell you stories tomorrow," she said, her voice soothing yet firm.

"Please, no Mamma today," Maisha whispered softly.

Anisha attempted to persuade her daughter, her tone gentle yet imploring. "Baby, please listen to mamma," she urged, hoping to soothe Maisha's disappointment.

Reluctantly, Maisha gave in, her expression crestfallen as she accepted her mother's request. With a heavy heart, she made her way to Atharva, who stopped scrolling through his phone upon seeing her coming.

Atharva turned his gaze towards Maisha, and noticed the unmistakable sadness etched upon her young face. Her usually bright eyes were downcast, a hint of moisture glistening at the corners. A small frown marred her features, and her lower lip quivered ever so slightly.

Immediately, he swept her into his arms. With gentle caresses, he stroked her hair, his voice filled with concern as he questioned, "What happened, my pretty princess?"

Maisha's eyes met his, and she shook her head softly, indicating that nothing specific was wrong. Sensing her reluctance to speak, Atharva called out to Anisha, his concern evident in his voice. "What's wrong with her?" he inquired, turning to Anisha for an explanation.

Anisha quickly replied, trying to dismiss his concern, "Nothing."

Atharva gently held Maisha's tiny face in his hands, meeting her eyes with a tender gaze. "Princess," he began softly, "if you don't tell Papa why you're sad, how will Papa know how to make it better?" he asked.

Maisha pondered for a moment, her tiny brows furrowed in thought. Then, with a soft plea in her voice, she requested, "Papa, will you read me a story? Please!"

Atharva planted gentle kisses on her cheeks, his heart swelling with affection. "Of course! Come on!" he replied warmly.

Maisha's face lit up with joy, her excitement palpable. "Really, Papa?" she exclaimed eagerly.

Atharva nodded with a smile, his heart warmed by her enthusiasm.

In a burst of excitement, Maisha bounced in his arms, her laughter filling the room. "You're the best Papa!" she exclaimed, kissing his cheek.

Atharva's laughter joined hers, echoing with happiness as Anisha looked on, a warm smile on her face.

"I'll bring the storybook," Maisha declared as she darted away, her excitement evident in every step.

"This sudden love for storybooks, where did it come from?" Atharva asked, his curiosity piqued as he turned to Anisha.

Anisha chuckled softly. "Well, when we stopped at the store earlier, where we got the photo frame, she spotted it there and insisted on buying it," she explained, "apparently, Vanya's Papa tells her stories from a storybook every day, so how could Maisha's Papa not do the same?"

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