The end of the world_ chapter 1

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A leap year, already enough for Indian superstitious belief in itself and the poor weather and unwelcoming lightnings had drawn more terror and horror in the heart of Sakeena. A middle class Indian woman Sakeena and her husband Aziz Ahmad live in a four rooms house with kitchen, bathroom and a big living room provided with a tiny garden in the backyard for enough amount of fresh vegetables. Their 5 years successful marriage and enough house for four people and monthly salary by the hardwork of Man's job is considered enough success in the sight of Indian.  People consider their peaceful but there is nothing peaceful in her life. Sakeena seated in the rocking chair close by the only window in her room subconsciouly  caressing her seven months baby bump while gazing outside from the glass pane. Not focusing on the terrible weather or unfortunate lightnings but thinking. She was of the right track in her own mind reasoning the words that doctors had said-" This child's can't make, you should abort or this child can affect you whole fertility system or there are high chances that you might die while giving birth to the child". She is thinking and reasoning about her baby and her own life. She is just 25 and she had to sacrifice herself for her baby's sake. She can abort or can sacrifice herself that's all she has given as options. She can't decide what she should or shouldn't. All of her family members wanted her to abort but she can't. She can't decide. A fierce woman after gathering all her remains courage had announced boldly that she is not gonna abort. Her family try's  a lot but she didn't listen to any of them.Just three days after her decision on 29 Feb night's due to some causes she extremely suffering from the agony and started whimpering and shivering. Two months early from the time. The Time had not approached. The time that doctor had suggested was still so far but due to excessive amounts of agony her husband Aziz took her to the hospital as fast as possible. She was shifted to emergency ward. She was dying from excessive head throbbing and agony in her belly. She'd thought she might pass out. She had asked doctors to call Aziz, she wanted to exchange some word with him in case she died. At first doctors had refused her interest but after paying attention to her pale face and courageous will in such situation, they had agreed and called for Aziz. When she saw Aziz coming towards her she had panic due to eagerness and removed her oxygen mask. As she detached her oxygen mask her chest heavily up and down as her breath become uneven caused by the lack of  oxygen. After taking what had happened Aziz rushed towards her and grab her oxygen mask on her anxiously while fresh tear came rolling down from his pale cheeks. Seeing her in such conditions had broken him deeply and he just can't help anything.His hands were shaking while he hold her oxygen mask on her face. He tried several times to open his mouth and speak but words were not coming out of his throat as though they stuck somewhere between his lungs and esophagus. After enhaling deeply long breath several times while choking on sob he pushed the words out from his throat. He said-"Ev-very-th-thing - will-be-e -f-fine". As she heard him say this she nodded vigorously and take his right hand in her both hand and said to him-"Lo-Look I -I mi-might d-die tt-today ple-please ta-take ca-care of th-the b-baby. don't th-thought ba-baby res-responsible for m-my de-death. This this is....... m-my l-last w-wish ple-please."As she stopped speaking. Aziz stared sobbing hardly after choking oh his sobs he kissed her both hand while sobbing and then he faced her and shook his head vigorously he is looking like a small child whose face strain with tears. While choking on words and breathing unevenly he managed to say–" Nothing's gonna happen..... Happen like that OK'll be alright hmm do-don't cry". He said and move forward and wipe her strained face with tears.She nodded while choking on sob and fresh tears again making their way. Sakeena grab his hand suddenly and said-"pr-promised me you-you'll ne-never bl-blame the ch-child for m-my de-death and...... and yo......take Ca-care of the ba-baby". She started coughing violently due to lack of air. Aziz kissed the temple of her face softly and nodded. He tried his best to get the words out from his mouth but he just can't. He kept choking and fought for last he faced sakeena and mouthed the word promised and took her right hand in his and put that closely to his cheek. Fresh tears kept making their way from both of them faces but none of them were crying for the sake of each other until doctor came and took her in OT and told Aziz to wait outside.Aziz obeyed and waited outside. He tried a lot to not think about anything. He can't help the situation. He tried to think about happy ending. Their happy days in which sakeena and Aziz were playing with baby girl. She was barely half and a year she was walking with her tiny feet while making footprints on the sand and sakeena clapping and callingthe baby girl towards her then the sea near the beach send a blown of fresh salty air and at some point he felt it. He thought everything was happy everything was good and then he was back. There was nothing not sakeena nor baby nothing. The salty air he felt was nothing but the taste of his own tears which resting on his face and then a cold voice called his name and his hair on the neck stand merely by a voice. He tilted his head and saw a doctor and a nurse was coming towards him. They came and stood barely two feets away from him and then nurse handed him a baby girl gently wrapped in a soft pink towel. He stepped forward and took the baby out from the hold of nurse and took the baby girl, the tiny piece of life, his new cause of living in his own warm embrace and stood firmly on the cold floor. He was just admiring his daughter in disbelief when the doctors spit out those harsh on his face that change his world, Twisted his world " Sorry we can't " he just heard and froze on his place. He just can't think about anything, living more, living life without his world. He had fought for her from the world from the parents, her parents, his parents, society and now she has gone while fighting for his child. Fighting for their child and then suddenly her last words started echoing in his ears. He again gathered his all remaind courage and and stand firmly on the floor once again. He look at the tiny piece of life move forward pressed a soft kiss on her temple and whispered in her ears-"SHE KNOWS"...and then more tears started brutally rolling down from his face and he kneeled on the cold with the baby in his hold and kept crying until nothing left.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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