Untitled Part 1

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Where should I begin?

Perhaps you want me to spill all the beans?


It was later this noon when I see him walking on the hallway, wearing that red stripe jacket with cap and facemask. i was wondering why he's wearing a facemask when he's already so handsome...??

I just look at him while sitting on my chair. We're inside the classroom right now, and his room is just right besides ours. 

I remembered that day when I see him riding a motorcycle on my way home, he has no facemask so I could clearly see his face, he was indeed my first love.

He was riding his motorcycle while I am walking on my way home, our eyes met, as i stare at him, i could clearly imagine why I was staring at him. He might be thinking 'oh, that man was beside our room, I did not know he lives here...' (damn, i wish he cares and know me...)


The class ended, my classmates were packing their things for dismissal. I was still siting waiting for them to get out so I could walk away in peace. 

Some of our classmates were still writing something on their notes, maybe for the activities they did not tend..... Ohh cramming.

One of my classmate named beck balderdash some of things I did not know, I just ignored them and walk outside our classroom. but suddenly, that guy.... The guy that causes me to act as a nincompoop. I was hysterical if I should step out or should I just remain inside and wait him to walk away.

Time passes and he was still in-front of me, it must be 1 minute since then and he did not even flinch or anything. My eyes are dwindling around dodging his stares. I made up my mind to ask him what he wants since I feel so awkward right now...!

"hmm, m-may I ask why you're blocking my way?" I harshly said without knowing that I already say it....

I was kind-of embarrassed to the sentence i let out with that cringe flinch of voice.. eaauugh!

"Can I have your moment for a while?" He said...... HE SAAIID!!!??

My mind was urging to say 'Why not?' daammnnnn. I must be so out of my mind right now!!!

"May I ask your intention first?" I spout with the proper composure and not leaking my nervousness and excitement.

"Maybe you're not available, see you then." He unconsciously said..

I was left astounded. 

My superego and id are bickering if I should say that 'I am sooo available if it's you', but my ego said 'maintain you're fuck*n composure'.  

I finally experience the real life cliffhanger, I expected more words to come out to his larynx, ohh damn it!





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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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