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While the military officers gathered around Hafsat and hung on to her every word, like a re-run of the “Tales by Moonlight” Television Network series, Jabal’s side of the story-telling promptly turned into corporal interrogation proper.

             The Major minced no words, and the tone of his voice changed the moment Jabal revealed his real identity.

             “You said you are a member of Boko Haram?” Major Christopher leaned forward, and let his eyes run over Jabal.

             Jabal shook his head.

             “No, I said that I was, but now I’m not. I was forced to fight for them, and when I saw the only chance of escape, I ran away. I also rescued three girls that were abducted that night.”

             “Three girls?” The Major asked incredulously. He looked at Hafsat, half surrounded by four soldiers who were listening with apt attention to her narration. He looked curiously at the camouflage army truck by the roadside. And then his gaze fell on Jabal once again. “I see only one girl, where are the other two girls?”

             Jabal, keeping his face straight, said, “One of the girls, her name is Jummai, was shot and killed last night, early this morning, by the local Vigilante. I managed to arrive here with Hafsat and…” Jabal looked at the tree behind which Asabe had rushed to ease herself. She was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps another of her disappearing tricks, Jabal thought, and dismissed her momentarily from his mind.

             “…and Asabe. I can’t see her.”

             Major Christopher became alert.

             “If you said that you arrived here with two girls, and as far as I can see, I see only one girl. Where is the second girl?”

             Jabal pointed at the tree across the road.

             “When we stopped, she ran behind that tree to ease herself.”

             The Major got to his feet.

“You wait here,” he said, and stooped into the large army tent. Moments later, the door curtain parted and Major Christopher stepped outside with a pair of handcuffs.

             He stopped in front of Jabal.

“Show me your hands.”

             Shocked, Jabal hesitated, glanced quickly over at Hafsat, who acknowledged his silent question with a deliberate nod of her head. No one else noticed this brief exchange. Only then did Jabal raise his hands and the Major quickly clamped the handcuffs on both of Jabal’s wrists.

             Major Christopher unleashed a quick powerful slap, which landed on Jabal’s left cheek – THAAAAA!

             Jabal caught the blow completely unprepared, and he stumbled, before regaining his balance.

Hot pain, and anger, burned the whole left side of his being at first, and then spread to the rest of his body.

Jabal spat out blood, swallowed hard, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

             “Who do you think you are?” Christopher almost shouted. “If you don’t take time, I’m going to discipline you. Take out that civilian mentality.” He leaned forward and poked a finger into Jabal’s surprised face.

“Obey the last order, understand me? When I ask you a question, I want a genuine answer. When I say move, you move. Is that clear?”

             Jabal nodded, pressing the back of his hand to his Chizo-bitten ear, which began to bleed again.

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