the beginning

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I want revenge, for all that hours I spent on a call waiting for for your heartbeats to slow down and for your breath pulses to raise in volume for me to know that you fell asleep so I can sleep on the rhythm of your breath.
I remember that first time you slept on a call. Back in that time u used to tell me I dont really understand Or focus on what you say but I like your way and voice of saying it. During that time we were talking at 4 am and when I went to pray dawn's prayer i came back and you were asleep.
Fast forward to when i had the same love to you. But somehow you stood out of love. You became irritated easily that is you didnt like my love talk, teasing or playful talks. If lets say I was bad to you why didnt you fight for our special love so you could throw all the bad things and have me the person you truely loved. You make me disgusted as if i made all that love through lying as if i wasnt an open book to you. I actually was an open book. So why did u decide to be with me when i was an open book. And then decide to no longer be with me. Do you see it? The problem was within you. When you loved me it was your choice and when you left me it was your choice. Similarly when I loved you it was my choice and when I stopped it was my choice and I stop thinking of you its gonna be my choice.
You made a scar on my best part. My heart. An injury that bleeds heavily. And thats all for what? For giving me a chance? But I did my best. To prove to you that I deserve you as if you were a prize; you warent i was your prize you want better? A higher standards? A gold painted person?
Good luck with that I hope he breaks your heart. But before that... i hope I do break your heart. Wanna know how?
I am gold plated, titanium made. Purely and soft hearted. You broke the best part in me. And i dunno why.. we did fight. Bs fighting is a reason to stay never a reason to leave. I love something u love to keep it.
Did you not like my clumsy hairstyle. My long ungrowmed still growing beared?
My loose pants? My rounded belly? What exactly you didnt like? Because when you left i got a haircut, shaved my beared and worked out and lost the belly and wore clothes with style.
Long story short. People who love improve.
Point i would like to make..people with broken hearts become the best version of themselves. 8th may 2024

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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