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Mini ranttt!!

Hi guys,it's been a long while since i last updated, i had to take a long break from here to focus on some personal stuffs but I'm back now hopefully 😏,hehehe 😏🤭. I just hope this update makes up for the time. I'm gonna get out of your hair and let you all enjoy 🤭. Do have a great day. Love yaaaa 🤭❤

 Love yaaaa 🤭❤

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"Morning mom,morning dad", i say kissing them respectively on their cheeks at the dining table.

"Morning my dear,how was your night?"

"It was fine,what about yours?",i say settling down on one of the dining chairs while mom serves my food which consists of bread,fried egg and tea.

"It was also good"

"How's school coming along",mom asks.

"It's going well mom"

"I heard Femi is back in town", dad says.

" Umm,yes dad. How did you know about that?"

"Oh come on,you seem to forget that we are friends with the family,his dad told me they would be moving back here"

"He resumed school yesterday, but dad why the sudden move back here?".

"Well his dad didn't really fill in the details,something about business issues".

"Ohhh,that's unexpected,but it's good to have them back", mom says.

" He also invited us over for a quick dinner at his place this weekend", dad says.

"Ohh,that would be lovely. It will also be a good way for you to catch up with Femi right Jade?"

"Ohh yeah sure. When is it?"

"This sunday by 6pm", dad replies.

"Ohh,alright. I'll be ready then"

"Well,okay. Are you done eating?,ya riding with me cause your mother has some things to do at home"

"Yes dad,I'll just take the plates to the kitchen and I'll meet you outside"

"Alright, be fast about it",
I hurriedly clear up the plates, grab my bag,kiss my mom a quick goodbye and rush outside to meet my dad.

We get to school,i alight and wave my dad goodbye,before i can enter the school hallway, i am intercepted by Chikè.

" Hey Jade"

"Oh hi chikè what's up"

"Um,i kinda wanna ask a favor", he says cheekily,scratching the back of his head while concerting on his sneakers.

" Umm,okay sure"

"Do you know if um,if, Sophia is single or seeing anyone?", he asks still avoiding eye contact and I'm tempted to laugh at his cuteness. Well someone likes sophiaaaa but instead i play it cool and ask.

"It depends on the reason why you are asking",i say trying to tease him further.

"Well,i wanna know cause I'm like planning on asking her out so.."

"Oh,in that case you should ask her yourself cause I'm not sure sophia is in anything serious relationship at the moment and you should do that as soon as possible", i reply and his eyes beem with hope.

"Oh yeah sure I'll defintely do that,thanks a lot Jade", he says with a smile before jogging off.

" Boyss",i say shaking my head with a smile.

"What was that about?", Sophia asks as i enter the hallway interrupting my train of thoughts.

"What was what about?"

"Oh don't pretend, what were you talking about with Chikè?"

"Oh that", i say nonchalantly

" Yes that!", she says raising her eyebrow with a hand on her hips.

"Ohh it's nothing,he was just asking if you were single", i say with a shrug.

"Wait,whatt!!,he asked you that?"

"Yup,he did"

"What did you tell him?"

"Told him to ask you that yourself and wasn't sure you were in anything serious",i say the last part slowly and she shot me daggers with her eyes.

"Why will he ask you that?"

"Look,i don't know. He probably likes you"

"Do you think he's being serious though"

"Well,let's wait and see but he seemed pretty serious to me"

"Hmmmmmm. Something's not right somewhere"

"That he likes you?"

"Yup,i mean why now. What's with all the sudden interest?".

"Well,he's probably liked you for a while and he just got the balls to ask you out now,could be harmless".

"Well,we will see about that. Anywaysss,enough about me,how did your call with your boyfriend go?", she says wiggling her eyebrows suggestively,giggling.

" For the last time,he's not my boyfriend and the call went well sha"

"He's not your boyfriend just yet but soon"

"Yeah yeah yeah", i say with an eyeroll.

"Awwnn,my baby is blushing", she says pinching my cheeks,i immediately swat her hands away.

" Oh pleaseeee"

"You know I'm always right, told you calling him was a good idea", she says with a smile.

" Yeah,whatever. The call went well cause i know ya curious and no we didn't get all romantic and whatnot,it was just a casual call between friends"

"I didn't ask for an explanation but yeah thanks for filling that out",she says with a laugh.

"I hate you!"

"Yeah,i love you too. Come on,let's go see your boyfriend", she says with a hand over my neck,before proceeding to the assembly hall.

And it's a wrap people, thanks for sticking around this long. I hope you enjoyed this chapter,please do leave a like and comment ❤️.

Y'all should stay safe always. I love you all ❤️

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