Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

Glancing at Victoria, her gaze fixed on some distant point, her lips drawn into a tight line, I couldn't help but wonder if she shared my sentiments, if she too longed for a life less concealed.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the Uber's arrival until Victoria's gentle shake jolted me back to the present. With an apologetic smile, I complied and settled into the car, Victoria trailing closely behind.

The ride to the airport was filled with a heavy silence, punctuated only by the occasional glance at the time on Victoria's phone. Despite the tension, a small smile tugged at my lips as I caught sight of her lock screen—a candid photo she'd taken of me, a precious moment frozen in time.

"You still have me as your wallpaper?" I couldn't help but inquire, a flicker of warmth igniting in my chest at the thought. Victoria's nod and accompanying smile affirmed my question. "Yeah, but it's changing back to something else the moment we land," she admitted, a hint of resignation in her tone. I understood the necessity, the delicate balance we maintained to protect our secret from prying eyes.

As the Uber pulled up to the airport, Victoria instructed me to retrieve our bags while she settled the fare. With a nod, I complied, knowing that our clandestine journey was drawing to a close, at least for now.

As Victoria slumped into her seat, the weight of our journey evident in the lines creasing her forehead, I couldn't help but offer a teasing remark. "You stress too much. I already see more wrinkles on your face," I quipped, nudging her playfully. Her reaction, a mix of shock and mock offense, only fueled my amusement as I leaned in to plant a quick kiss on her cheek. "I'm only joking," I assured her, softening my tone, "You still look as good as the first day I saw you."

Her response was a scoff, accompanied by the satisfying click of her seatbelt securing in place.

With the flight attendants completing their safety instructions and the plane beginning its taxi, the emptiness of the cabin became apparent—no more than ten passengers scattered throughout the rows. Victoria and I found ourselves nestled in the rearmost seats, a small bubble of privacy amid the sparse surroundings.

However, as the flight progressed, a mundane necessity presented an unexpected challenge. I excused myself to the lavatory, intending to quickly address a minor wardrobe malfunction. Yet, inside the cramped confines of the lavatory, frustration mounted as I struggled with a stubborn zipper. "The fuck?" I muttered under my breath, my attempts to free the zipper proving futile.

Summoning Victoria for assistance seemed the logical next step, yet her engrossment in a book rendered her oblivious to my whispered calls. Frustration mounting, I called her name with increasing volume until her attention finally snapped to me.

"Can you come help me please?" I requested, relief flooding through me as she abandoned her reading to address my plight. With her comforting presence at my side, I confessed the source of my predicament. "My zipper is stuck," I admitted, grateful for her assistance in navigating this minor inconvenience.

With a playful snort, Victoria ushered me into the restroom, her determined strides echoing in the confined space as she closed the door behind us. Her hands, cool against my skin, brushed over my lower abdomen, the struggle evident in her attempts to coax the zipper into submission. "What the hell?" she muttered, frustration lacing her voice as she knelt down for a closer examination.

I couldn't deny the rush of arousal as Victoria, on her knees before me, focused intently on the stubborn zipper. Her proximity, her hands lingering dangerously close to my most sensitive areas, ignited a primal reaction within me.

Yet, any attempt to conceal my arousal was futile, betrayed by an involuntary moan that slipped past my lips when her touch grazed me. Victoria's sudden halt and incredulous gaze caught me off guard. "Are you seriously turned on right now?" she queried, her raised eyebrows a silent challenge.

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