Rewrite 1: Puzzleo and Roseliet

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(Chorus): Rose Nicolas Wolf, my OC (Original Character), will be Roseliet (play on Juliet) in this scene and Mr. Puzzles will be Puzzleo (play on Romeo) in this scene. It only fits since they are both different beings of power, while being humanoid still, but they are still different apart. Whilst Puzzleo (Mr. Puzzles) hails from the SMG4 Family and Roseliet (Rose) hails from the SMG4 Fanon Family..

Puzzleo is just walking towards Rose's home, during sunset, and Rose is not there yet but she will be. And it will be the most fantastic love scene ever recorded before.

Puzzleo enters the grounds of the Italian building, he noticed that lights were on and passing candles came by in the windows.

(Puzzleo): But tie soft! Tis thy light that I see up there? A fair maiden out of her berth? Shall I rejoyst that my true love has come out for thy flame?

Puzzleo stood next to the man made rock etched out the wall made of stone, he put his gloved hand, which had three cartoony lines on the back, onto the smooth surface of the stone barrier. Separating him from his love.

(Puzzleo): My one is setting thy sun, arise my fair sun and slay thy envious moon, who is tis sick and pale with grief, That thou,her maid, art far more fair than she. Be not her maid since she is envious. Her vestal livery is but sick and green, and none but fools do wear it. Cast it off. As I shall claim the land of my, and my Roseliet shall be my sun, once harbored my feelings for another. But I know thy name now.. as my one and only is awaiting me.

Puzzleo looks up and he sees Roseliet walking out unto thy balcony, there she stays so beautiful and classy, awaiting her Romeo of love. And she thy Juliet to her Romeo love, and Puzzleo is eager to see his beloved once more.

(Puzzleo): It is my lady, Oh, it is my one and only love! Oh, but what she knew that she wears! She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that? Her eyes are distant with finding words; I will answer and help her. I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks. Two of the fairest stars in all the heavens, having some business, do entreat her eyes.

To twinkle in their spheres till they return once more, what if her eyes were there, in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars up so far, as daylight would doth A lamp of ere' perfect sunset. Her eyes in heaven so high, I would think she is angelic and pure of nature.

Would though the airy region, stream so bright. The birds would sing and think it was not thy night. See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand. Oh, I wish I were ere' a glove upon that hand, that I might feel the touch beloved's cheek!

(Roseliet): Ay me..

Roseliet looks out into the heavenly twilight turning night, as gorgeous as she is under that beautiful dress. Puzzleo wonders how she stays so sane and wonderfully pure as thy sun, he ponders if he's the right man for her, if he is..

(Puzzleo): She speaketh! Oh, speaketh again, sweet bright angel, for thou art. As glorious to this night, being ere' my head, as is a wingèd messenger of ere' heaven. Unto the white upturnèd wond'ring of my eyes. Of mortals that fall back to gaze on her, when thy bestrides the lazy puffing clouds pass by. And thy darling sails upon the bosom of the air.

(Roseliet): Ere' me.. Oh Puzzleo, Puzzleo! Where art thou dearest Puzzleo? Deny thy father and refuse thoust name of mine; or thou wilt not touch the dearest sun, but be sworn of my love. And I will no longer be a Wolf.

(Puzzleo): [Astride] Shall I wait and hear or shall I speak to my love?

(Roseliet): 'Tis thy name you have is my enemy; though art myself to you, if not an SMG4. What's SMG4? It is not a hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any part to call your own that belongs to a man. Oh, be some other name to call!

(Roseliet; continues speaking): What is in a name? Ere' which we call a rose, is as sweet as any name. Liketh my name is sorta of a red, rose petaled flower of romance.

(Roseliet; continuing still): So, Puzzleo would - if he is thy here to call upon himself - retain that dear picture perfectness which he thy owes, and without his title.. Puzzleo doff thy name and for which thy name, by is no part of thee, to take all upon myself only.

(Puzzleo): [Aloud thy strife] I'll take thee at your words my dearest love! Call me but love of thy maiden, and I'll newly be baptized; shall I not take under the name Puzzleo for you.

Roseliet is startled by thy love shouting from so below the world she lives in, she is surprised and shocked to see Puzzleo here so soon. But she loves not thy by him, and so, she is not so true to the element of being spooked a little bit.

(Roseliet): [Atop the stone wall of her home] What man art thou that, thus be seen unhidden til now in under thy night, to be stumbled upon on my counsel here ount while I roost?

(Puzzleo): By a name. I know not how to tell thee who I am. My name, dear beloved, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee that I wish to love. Had I written it, I would have torn the word from piece to piece..

(Roseliet): My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words. Of that tongue's uttering, yet I know the sound. Art thou not Puzzleo and a SMG4?

(Puzzleo): Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike.

(Roseliet): How camest thou hither, tell me, wherefore? The stone walls are high and impossible to climb to and from, and the place is dead of life, considering who thou art, if any of my kinsmen find thee here.

(Puzzleo): With love's light wings did I ere' perch these walls with mighty ease, for stony limits cannot hold love out; and what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me nor even are.

Roseliet gives Puzzleo a look of "seriously?" but be she is normal, just questioning how Puzzleo can be so arrogant and prideful enough to try and find thy love high up in her nestled roost of many.

(Puzzleo): What? Can I not help find thee love up there? Cause I wish to know if my dearest is even considerate of my love to her.

(Roseliet): Oh, ere, silly me. I wish to know you more of personal affairs, my fair beloved.

Puzzleo who is intrigued by Roseliet's words, he climbs thy walls with steady marrow and breath. He goes slow so that he cannot misstep for his beloved is just beyond this boundary wall that separates them from each other.

Roseliet looks down upon the wall and she spots thy love climbing up for her, and her alone. She is ecstatic about Puzzleo climbing thy wall up for her, she readies herself, then she waits for her beloved to see up close and without limits to thy.

Puzzleo has a couple more smooth, sticking out, rock faces before he can see thy love up so close and without anyone to see or to interrupt this precious romantic love of two affairs like never before seen up so close and so near.

As Puzzleo scales the last few, smooth rock faces then he hops over the stony wall of boundaries love. Roseliet was ready, and she threw herself at Puzzleo when he jumped over that railing. And he caught his beloved in his arms as she threw herself excitedly at him.

Roseliet and Puzzleo look at each other, staring into each other's eyes as they are in deep love. Love beyond the normal terms for each other's family, more beyond just marriage or bearing children, more than physical attraction for each other.

Then the two star-crossed lover's kiss, somehow a TV screen for Puzzleo's face can't separate a romantic, passionate embrace of thy lips on each other. A union of lips felt so soft on Roseliet's mouth, her lips are a juicy ruby red that makes it all the more beautiful. No wonder he fell in love with such a gorgeous girl.

[End scene]

RoseTheInkDemonWolf's Romeo and Juliet Rewritten Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now