Chapter 9

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Ant and Malakai were walking to school (or dancing??), they both shared an AirPod and they were listening to Kendricks new diss towards Drake (cus it's CRAZY have u guys heard it??). Everyone gave them looks as they mouthed lyrics walking into the school gate, even Amerie, who is super freaky herself.

"You two seem chirpy for... 8AM." Amerie pointed out, looking more tired than ever. Probably because her sister decided to make YouTube videos of her playing horror games late at night. Amerie retouched her makeup, she almost got lipstick in her mouth while yawning, you probably shouldn't do makeup while you're tired. "Amerie you need to listen to Kendricks new song, otherwise we're not friends!" Ant practically yelled, shoving his phone to her face. It displayed the song on Spotify, but it was hard for Amerie to make out since she was so tired. "Super cool Ant, anyways, I'm headed to the canteen for a toastie, peace." She said, before walking off by herself.

When it was time for SLT's, Ant was more than excited. He was able to talk about sex without getting in trouble, he got to see people fight sometimes, it was great. It was probably his favourite subject now, and now he can say things like thank you to "Map Bitch".

Spider and Sasha were arguing about rights, and it was mostly girls siding with Sasha, and boys siding with Spider. It was strongly believed that Sasha was in the right, but she was not!! Can you believe it? Yeah she got so caught up in not being sexist that she in fact ended up being sexist herself. Anyways, that's not important, loads more happening.

Spider and Ant have been texting each class, smiling whenever a notification popped up, sending silly little gifs, was this flirting? Spiders charm seemed to be taking an influence on Ant, as he appeared to be more drawn to him than expected. Like for instance, whenever they were apart, Ant would want to text him, call him, talk to him, even breathe near him. It probably wasn't healthy after everything that's happened either! They've both been missing hours of sleep talking to each other, and the funny thing is, they're both too scared to talk in each other in person! Instead of facing their fears, they avoided them by only interacting over the internet. But sending TikToks is enough right? Spider doesn't need Ant on him 24/7, but if he wasn't talking to Spider that much, it would make Spider think he doesn't like him. Does that make sense?

Days go by super quick now, and Malakai and Ant were chilling at their home, once again. But every minute Ant wasn't with Spider, he felt like he had to go to him, even if it meant running miles.

"Ant, what are you doing here?" Spider asked, watching the rain fall onto the poor boy. Ant let himself in, shivering while so. This is what he wanted right, to be near Spider, that's all he wanted. Then why was something else nothing him? It was like a super heavy boulder on his shoulders, weighing him down until he did something about it. Could it possibly be about Spider? Did Ant have feelings for Spider? He could hear Spider talking, but since he was so distracted it was just a blur. He could make out a hand getting waved in front of his face, which brought him back down to earth. Ant heard Spider sigh, and asking him if he wanted to go upstairs, and Ant just nodded in agreement, walking with his hands wrapped around his shoulders.

"So, do you wanna tell me why you appeared on my doorstep, in the rain, soaking wet, and not even an umbrella?" Spider asked, wrapping a towel around the other. Ant, who was sitting next to Spider on his bed, laid his head on Spiders shoulder, replying with a simple "no".

Since this wasn't the first time Ant has shown up to Spider's house in this state, he didn't think much of it. I mean, he cared and was obviously wondering what was wrong this time, but it wasn't new to him.

Ant was under the heater, under Spiders sheets, and holding a cup of hot chocolate. Spider put on modern family, to lighten up the mood a bit. Well, Ant seemed to enjoy it. It was his favourite show since he was little, precisely 12. And at least every month he'd mention how it was his favourite show of all time to Spider. So it was kind of engraved in his head.

They were up to season 3, which wasn't a personal favourite for them, but every part of the show was good enough.

"Ant, you have to tell me what's wrong eventually." Spider said, interrupting the show. It was about 9PM, pitch black and only a night light next to Spider was on since Ant didn't like it too bright.

"I just missed you."

Spider looked over at Ant a little shocked, but gave him a soft smile. "I missed you too." Spider gave him a big, tight, hug, to show his support and that there was no pressure if something more important was up.

author note
I AM SO SORRY!! guys I have school and I haven't updated in like a MONTH??? ok so ill try to update more but no promises !!

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⏰ Última atualização: May 15 ⏰

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