Chapter 5

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Ant woke up early, with a serious hangover. He looked over at Spider, who was still asleep, he didn't want to wake him up. It was about 10AM, which meant church already started, and it is not good if Ant skips church. He carefully gathered all his things lying around, and tip toed out the house very quietly. Once he successfully made it out, he walked really slowly back to his house. You know, hangover slowness..? Anyways, as he was waddling back to his house, he got a text from Spencer. It said,  "did you leave already?", and Ant didn't want to reply. He was too scared to face him after last night, and god, he didn't even want to remember last night!

He finally approached his doorstep, and saw his parent's car gone. Thank god they left without him, he really didn't want to go to church after all that. But, let's face it, when Ants parents get back it's going to be a lot worse than going to church. He approached his room and flopped onto his bed, placing his hand strongly on his head. Hangovers usually never hurt this much, it was probably all the events the happened yesterday. He felt his phone vibrate once more, it was Spider asking why he left him on read. Ugh, Ant could not deal with this right now, he just turned off his phone and stared at his ceiling.

"Anthony Vaughn you better have some explaining to do!"


Yeah, I think his mum's home. Ant rubbed his eyes and slowly exited his room, waddling towards his mother. "Why didn't you answer any of my calls, not only that but you skipped church!? Oh you are so grounded young man!"

"Why do I have to go to church, I don't even listen half the time! I'm usually just sleeping while you guys yap on." Ant confessed, protesting against her.

"You are a christian, and ever since that map, I cannot cost you missing just one Sunday. Anthony, you know I love you, I just want you to be a normal kid." She said, placing her hands on his arms. "But, I am normal." He replied, brushing her hands off of him.

"You will be, Anthony."

"I'm going to my room." He said, quickly leaving the area. He could hear her asking him to wait, to just listen to her, but he had enough. He quickly messaged Malakai, asking him if he could crash at his house for a few nights. Without even a reply, Ant began packing. One way or another, he wasn't going to stay with his mum any longer.

Ant soon got a call from Malakai, asking him where he was. Ant was walking to his and Spiders bus stop. Soon enough, Malakai showed up, taking him to the river where he and Amerie went a while back.

"So, you wanna talk about it?" Malakai asked, settling down onto the sand.

"Not really, maybe later." Ant relied, and Malakai didn't ask again. They just talked about school, gossip, girls, etc. After a cheerful day for talking and splashing around in the water, they both headed back to Malakai's place. Malakai let him sleep with him on his bed, and his parents were more than welcoming. They fed him well, didn't make him go to church, and let him have dessert after dinner. I think that's why Ant liked having sweet things, because his parents never let him.

Ant had several missed calls from his mum, and only a few from his dad. He and Malakai stayed up until about 10, watching movies and laughing. For about the first time in his life he felt truly free. Sure, whenever he was with Spider he was greeted with kindness and stuff, but he always had to dread the travel home after. With Malakai, who was a lot less of a dickhead than Spider, he could be himself. He didn't have to pretend to be mean, or funny, he could just be honest with Malakai.

That was their way of bonding, Malakai knew that Ant was a sweet guy sweet down, his personality was just forced onto him. They both watched Disney movies together, and since he felt so welcome, Ant fell asleep near the end of the Alladin. Malakai turned off the movie when he realised, letting him sleep peacefully.

author note
yall so im like slowly writing less words but I am literally out of ideas and I KNOW you're capable of commenting so PLEASE give me ideas for the next chapter 🙈

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