The Goddess

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Rei meets the Goddess of Life, as he comes to terms that he and his family are stuck in this world with a new home and new friends alike.

(Setting:In Rei's mind)

Rei:Whoa, what is this place, why does it look familiar?

*Rei walks around this strange place until he sees a throne, with a little girl on it*

???:*Yawn* I wonder how you got in here... You know it is rude to interrupt my moment of repose. *Scoffing* Very rude indeed! Now, please come forward, I desire to have a look at you.

*Rei obeys and spots a small dark skinned girl with yellow eyes and magenta hair sitting on a throne in front of him*

Rei:Um hello?

???:I haven't seen the likes of you in a long time. Just, what are you anyway?

Rei:I am a human.

???:A human? Heh, I suppose you must have a name, right? Well, out with it!

Rei:My name is Rei. Rei G. Tanaka.

???:Rei, huh? Well I suppose you have a birthday as well. Beneath which day of which month did you grace this universe of ours?

Rei:Hmm? Oh, I was born on April 5th 2039. I'm only 16.

???:Well well, What a strange coincidence, it seems I was also born on April 5th! I feel that it's time for... *Yawn.* A nap... It is time... for your journey... to begin...

(He escapes his own mind and wakes up in a new room)

Voice 1:Oh, hey. You're awake. Good, I thought you were out cold!

Rei:Yeah, where am I? What's your name? Or, uh, names? If you don't mind me asking

Angel:Oh, I'm Angel, This is the Princess of Techtopolis, but also my girlfriend. Her name's Ashley, we are pleased to have found you, so quickly.

Ashley:Hello, I am here to make sure you are safe. My Father has requested your presence. Once you are ready, come find us! May the goddess be with you.

Rei:Right. Of course.

*He gets up from the bed as he walks towards the doors. His legs were rather fragile but he still managed. A pair of nurses dressed him in Techtoplian clothing. Rei walks towards the exit of the hospital and notices Ashley right in the Village square, awaiting him to approach her*

Ashley:Rei! Follow me, Please.

*She walks towards the castle as Rei follows behind her his shoes tapping on the ground of this strange new planet. Various people looking at Rei in amazement and speaking an alien language. He couldn't understand them*

Rei:What are they saying?

Ashley:They are just amazed. The other species in the Federation wouldn't allow us to take in more humans. So, your ship was the only one they rerouted here.


Ashley:Of course, In the Milky Way Galactic Federation, we all operate as equals. But, they say we do too much for them and they wouldn't allow us to save more humans.

Rei:So, do you know where my family went?

Ashley:Yes, I do. They went-

Knight:Everyone, Open the gates! Lady Ashley and Visitor approaching!

*Two knights approached a pair of pillars and placed their hands on it, deactivating a force field. The two knights in front turned to their sides and saluted her as Rei and Ashley entered the castle gates. They turned to the front as the force field reactivated and the gates closed. The two were now inside a royal looking hallway, walking straight. They saw a man with Black hair*

???:You must be Rei, am I right? You are from Earth?

Rei:Yes, I am. Um, why am I here?

Angel:*Panting* Sorry I'm late, your Highness, But I was busy talking to my mom, so yeah..

???:Drop the manners, my boy! I know your dating my daughter, but I need a favor from both of you.

Rei:What is it that you need, Your Highness?

King Alexander:King Alexander's fine. Now, This favor requires both you and Angel here. He needs to repay us for that little stunt he pulled. But, the favor we need also has one unforeseen opening we didn't expect. Think you can fill it?

Rei:What do you mean?

*King Alexander sits on his throne, pondering*

Alexander:The Purple Pythons are missing a class leader. She was killed in a bandit raid and the North Eastern side of the Kingdom's open to having a human as their leader. So, Rei, I want you to lead them. Angel, I cannot let your little stunt go unpunished. So, you will be their professor.

Angel:Your highness, I'm barely a thousand years older than them! *Angel sighs and nods* Fine. Come on, Rei. I must show you around the academy.

Rei:This is going to be one interesting life... Alright, let's go.

(End of chapter 2!)

Earth in Saga of the Stars canonically doesn't exist *Anymore*.

Rei, His mom, and his Sister, are the only survivors.

The rest of humanity is lost in space. (Their fate will get worse)

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