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Next morning y/n wake up
Into conscious and she sit on the bed and searched for jungkook but he is nowhere
So shr try to walk on the floor but she failed to walk but she again to walk she did it and she went to downstairs she
Saw jungkook talking to someone in phone so i called he name softly and he didn't reply so went in front of him and
And he stand up and try to away from me but i holed he's wrist and stop but he's did a turn a word

I called him kookie please listen to me
Please it's not really it's all fake kookie
I can prove you please don't ignore me

That he jerked her hand and said to her
Ok when answer my questions y/n

What are you doing at that hour..?

What are you doing when he's is touching....?

What are you doing y/n fucking....?

Y/n was stunned with he words and yelled at him ( jungkook will you shut your mouth please and misunderstanding me in front you only your anger issues and ego with you
And if you not going trust me it's your
Problem jungkook when you regret
You're self then i will not available)

With she grades he mobile and made a call

with her Assistant Lucifer i am to thr base and arrange everything and me
A car to the "jeon"s mansion immediately
With in two time fastly she yelled at him
And went towards room

Leaving jungkook in the shock after some time she came her small suitcase
To downstairs she said don't you dare to
Follow me Mr jeon i am to spare you

And then her phone ring and she speak
Yeah Lucifer i coming bye Mr jeon with
She left the mansion jungkook came out there are minimum there will twenty to are more bodyguard her her and there were not mine

Who is she.......?

She was in the car and she was thinking about jungkook no about her kookie
When she said Lucifer get that "jack"
And inform me when you get him
And and keep in the basement

Lucifer said ok madam.....
He informed to all the bodyguard and
There are on there mission

Y/n said Lucifer turn the car towards
Shooting area....

With that Lucifer turn the car and dropped her off and she said Lucifer definitely jungkook is going to come here with he's bodyguard bring the force
And don't let him in any situation if you
I think you know it by the way Lucifer
I am going to kill you if you let he in ok
Take Care with that she went to shooting area

With that Lucifer turn the car and dropped her off and she said Lucifer definitely jungkook is going to come here with he's bodyguard bring the forceAnd don't let him in any situation if youI think you know it by the way Lucifer I am going to kill...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

And she picked a gun and started to shoot without missing one target🎯
And yeah jungkook is there her guess
is right....

Lucifer said to jungkook that sir your
Not allowed in it madam strictly orders
Ours not to allow you sir please understand

inscrutable love....... JJK 🔞حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن