CHAPTER : 3 TRUTH........😨

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What's the fucking deal with you Mrs park can tell me about your foxy🦊 things............... With that she said that a interesting thing so i said ok

Actually i plan at to kill y/n because she as right in my property so that i thought to kill but right now i can use her and i can sell her to jeon fucking jung kook in name of marriage💍

I said yes to her because that i can control her and she is playing foxy things in front of my i hate that cunning thing......... She said that is going to send her daughter pic to number so that i hanged up call
The pic of y/n that her mother send to jungkook......


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Hit............................ Flash of memories of few days back accident................ Is it her the girl who rejected the boy.............. One myself knows that i am searching form that day............... I should thank that god
Thank god i found her

on other said :
MRS PARK is said everything not her foxy things and cunning thing about marriage
💍proposal with jungkook

Y/n POV :
I don't want to get married💍 to someone who i don't know and i am just "22" That sit how can she think about my marriage at this early......... But i have to agree this marriage because of her ..................... Let's see how was god planed my life i am not expecting more let that be that now I'm gonna tell her that i agreed this proposal

With that i walked towards her said....... Mom... That i am going to agree this marriage because that i trust you more than anything mom.......

TRAP🕳 ............a small bird trapped in it.....i love when some capture in my trap............ Thank you dear you are the best daughter ..... I think i did a deed in my past life that's why I got you dear i love you❤ dear don't worry about him he is a nice i can trust him (in mind don't worry he's is going to part you're life away y/n)
Haaa ....dear i am going to talk to him about the marriage💍 date ok dear..........

Yeah........... Go on mom ........

With that her mother went to jungkook house and talking to him about that marriage and he chooses a perfect👍👏 date to marriage and he thought that...... That was a good day........ And it was jungkook mother and father anniversary day.......... Perfect accept he only knows that how much special day for him

yeah that i tell that he was going take care about her but she doesn't know that how cruel he was she don't know anything about him jagiya........................ And i lied about he's profession.... That he is a mafia..............

THUG........ A BROKEN CLASS sounds echo in the hall but she hidden her behind the wall Mrs park didn't listen the broken sounds because of television📺 sounds but y/n there in front of her mother room will entering in it but she stopped and hear everything her world............. Crashed in one let ......................... What did happened right now did she Betrayed by her own mother.............

I am feeling like no more strength in my body

What i am going to do right now.......?

Should I die........?

She betrayed me in the name of a chance..........?

I.. I... I... Fucking feeling ..... Die........?

Betrayed....... I am a fool ...... Fucking........ Fool..... By her mother....... Dumb...... Women i am.......... Haaaaaaaaaaaaa.......................

What should i do should I die or i should try to live by marrying him........

I should marry him...........

Gys think that what is going to happen in next hmm...

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