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。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。ANANYA THAKUR 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

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。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。ANANYA THAKUR 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

It was 9 pm when my mother called me to have dinner.

"Coming" I shouted.

"Ananya, I need to inform you about something" dad said being very serious.

I never saw him this expression in my entire life.

"Tell me whatever you want to" I said.

"That friend of yours, umm jiya. S...sh-she commited suicide and she's n...no more" my dad said .

I felt like my whole world turned upside down. Like the whole ground slipped beneath my foot.

"What?" My other words got stuck in my throat.

"Yes, it's true" this time my mom said.

Like how can she suicide. She was always happy and a fun loving girl.
And also a good friend of mine.

"How?" I asked.

"She jumped from her school building in which you go now" my dad completed.

I couldn't sleep the whole night. The thought of someone like jiya committing suicide was eating me.

In the morning

I got ready for the school and collection all my courage because I'm going to that place where my friend suicide a few days ago.

As I entered the lobby I saw a crowd circling some kind of drama.

I completely ignored it and move forward but then I noticed Divya in the centre of the crowd.

I made my way through the crowd. I saw that aman was trying to embarrass her. I quickly grabbed her hand and dragged her to the terrace after passing a death glare to that fucking asshole.

"that bitch,what does he think of herself huh? I'm gonna kill him" i said being angry as hell. 

"oh so someone is going to kill my bro" an annoying voice came from behind and i recognised it. 

I turned around only to see the two most hated person in my life. 

"yes, do you wanna join him?" i said. 

"but firstly you should have guts" he said with an annoying smirk and coming closer to me. 

"just shut the fuck up or do you want me to rip that disgusting mouth of yours" divya said. 

I didn't expect this from her. Like she's always sweet and too lovely but I'm amazed by her with this behavior.

"dare to do that and you'll regret that decision for the rest of your life" aman said. 

"who are you to tell me that what can i do and what i can't" divya spatted back being so annoyed and laterally this time she dragged me. 

"you'll soon face the circumstances" they shouted from behind and we come out of the terrace completely ignoring them. 

After sometime we entered the classroom and sat next to each other. We were talking to each other but then suddenly everyone did stand and started cheering. 

I saw a girl looking very rich and rude arrogant rich brat. We did not stand.

She came in our direction and said "don't you know how to pay respect" 

"we know but why should we pay respect to you?" i spatted back. 

"i see you both are new here so just learn to bow in front of me" she said. 

"why? Are you queen victoria?" divya said. 

"you know what, I'm going to let you go this time but from next time i won't be gentle." she said and i realised that in the whole conversation she didn't have any expression on her face even for a second and her confidence was like omg. 

Time passed and it was evening. Everyone left except me and divya. 

Divya had gone to fill water bottle and i see a person not his face though was chasing a guy and that guy was running being scared of him. They both went to terrace. 

I feel like following them but i stopped. 

And then i heard a loud scream tearing the silence and when i turned around i saw someone falling from the terrace. As the walls of the floor was made with glass. 

I quickly ran to the terrace only to find it empty. I looked down from the railing and saw his dead body drowned in his own pool of blood. I froze to my place as i remembered that jiya also jumped from this place. 

Then i feel someone's hand on my shoulder and i screamed. But then i saw there was no one other than divya. 

"what happened? You look so terrified" divya asked with concern in her eyes. 

"you know that someone just fell from here. Someone pushed him I'm sure of it. He needs to be hospitalised right now" i said and many tears left my eyes. 

She looked down and she was calm. 

"there's nothing ananya. You must have a nightmare" she said. I looked down and there's nothing. But I'm sure of it. Someone was there and i saw that dead boy. 

(author ~ in case you might get confused let me tell you that she saw the face of the dead boy not the killer) 

She gave me the water and i gulped it in one go.                   ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Heloo everyone. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.                                                     And just wait and watch you'll get shocks followed by more shocks. 

And sorry for giving you small chapters even many days. 

Bye, love you all 😘😘

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