[Kashino] Chocolate Daze

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Over 700 reads? O.o WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN! -Can't believe I forgot the update- I feel like changing the name of the main character.... Any suggestion? I TAKE WAY TO LONG TO MAKE A CHAPTER.

Any requests for scenes? ;)

"Milk, did I hear the teacher correctly?" Haruna asked the Sweet Spirit worriedly. The White Mage Sweet Spirit nodded in return.

"You are to partner up with Kashino to make a chocolate cake." Milk repeated the teacher, even copying the boisterous movements the teacher was doing, making Haruna giggle.

"Why did the teacher pair me up...." Haruna placed her head onto the kitchen table, exhausted because of the relentless struggles for her to work by herself.

"Because she knows how much you fail at making chocolate cakes? Or to say in a more proper way, you can't make anything with chocolate." Milk said happily. Haruna sighed while standing up.

"Milk, we're going to make some test runs. Tell the others I'm going to be late for the meeting." Haruna grabbed a whisk and started mixing together ingredients.

"I told them, but what type of chocolate cake are you going to make?" Haruna stood frozen. Milk knew she hates chocolate cakes. And she always messes up.

When she was little, her grandfather was a chocolate patisserie. He tried teaching her. The store closed down for a fire hazardous emergency.

"A milk chocolate cake." Haruna said quickly, grabbing the milk chocolate.

"I guess I can help you with that, then!" Milk said cheerfully. They were going back to their club after they are done with some run throughs. They had to meet Henrie-sensei.

"A Special Event?" Ichigo had asked, with the Sweet Spirits in a confused state. Haruna sighed, grabbing the blonde one.

"Alice, you git." Haruna whispered, before she started explaining.

"Henrie-sensei will give you all the details, but it concerns your career as a patisserie."

"Stop being so serious!" Alice cried out, before a black hair one pulled her ear.

"Be quiet! We can't give all of our secrets!"

"Shut up, Kai!"



"Strawberries are better in Aila's view."

"You guys......" Ichigo sweatdropped, noticing Haruna demeanor aura. She was angry.

"We'll tell you later, at a proper place. Come here after school everyday." Haruna muttered, before walking off.

"Done!" Haruna happily said, grabbing a clean knife and cut a piece of cake out. Grabbing their forks, they started eating it.

"It's..." Haruna thought over it for a second, along with Milk.

"Heavy." Haruna bang her head onto the table, sad that her attempt was bad.

"Maybe you should ask for help?" Milk offered, with Haruna thinking intently what she did wrong. Chocolate was hard for Haruna to do, since she's a person who's basically good at everything. Tempering was a hard task for her, since there was little time to learn more about it.

"I rather figure it out myself." Haruna said sadly, knowing this was her weakest field for the last 8 years she's been in England. She can perfect everything else, but not chocolates.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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