Chapter 5: The Case of the Leaves

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Crystal's eyes slowly open, as she is awakened by leaves covering her eyes,

*<Huh, what is this, did Pistol leave me outside>* as Crystal rubs her eyes the leaves fall off, she jumps out of her bed and walks up to the bathroom, when she arrives, she gets to the mirror but upon seeing herself she is shocked,

*<Why is there, leaves on me!?>* she shouted

As she goes to look out of the bathroom door to see Pistol, Flame, Tiny Crystal and Reese all asleep on the couch, she sighs in relief as she walks up to the kitchen grabs a pair of scissors and returns, with the scissors she grabbed one of her leaves that was growing out of her hair and cut it, but inside the leaf that she just cut off, and is now in her hands was blood as her head starts to bleed from the leaf stem, Crystal is horrified of what she was seeing and grabs some bandages, and patches it up,

*<What is happening, why are there leaves on me, I won't get answers if I stand here and cut and patch leaves up, I think I know who to go to>* as she runs to the door and gets ready, Pistol was haft awake and saw a glimpse of Crystal before she left, Crystal ran to her car and opened it, she enters and starts driving, with all this stress inside of her,

*<Hey Bini set a location for Lock Spring's hospital of care>* she said

Bini: {Understood, setting location for (Lock Spring's Hospital of Care)}

She drives following the roads, and she arrives at a huge hospital, above it there are giant squirrel ears, and the sign,

*<This is the place>* she says as she leaves her car and enters the building, it is a large waiting room with many patients some with many types of symptoms and some just for checkups, she walks to the lady at the front desk,

*<Miss, can I see Meaty Boi, if he is busy, that's fine>* Crystal said politely,

*<Of course, he will be in room 210, you might have to take the elevator if that's okay for you>* the miss said

*<Yeah, that's fine>* Crystal said

She went by the waiting room entering rooms 1-10 until she reached the elevator, she pressed the button and it quickly opened she entered inside she extended her arm to the 2 and it glowed around it, she was fidgeting with the leaves, rubbing it with 2 fingers, as the elevator rang she stopped and walked until she reached room 210, she opens it to see Meaty-Boi a haft animal with brown hair doing nothing,

*<Meaty-Boi, so nice to see you>* Crystal said

*<Nice to see you too, so anyway why have you come here, you know I work here>* he said with a deep tone, and crossed his hands,

*<I'm not here to mess up, I'm here because of these>* she takes off her hood to show many leaves on her head,

*<Fascinating, when did these grow out of you?>* he questioned

*<I don't know, all I know is that I woke up with these leaves and when I tried to chop them, off it was like it was a part of me>* she said

*<Interesting...>* he said as his curiosity returned,

*<May I, cut one of them, just a small sample>* as he says that he takes out a pair of scissors, and Crystal freaks out,

*<Please do not touch them...>* as she stands up and runs out of the room, instead of going to the elevator she takes the stairs and when she arrives downstairs and runs out the front door, as quickly as she can, she runs until she arrived to the hotel. 

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