Chapter 3: The Memories

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In Crystal's car driving to Flow's destination, Crystal is wondering why they even asked her in the first place, with all the feelings inside she couldn't hold it anymore and had to ask,

*<So, Flow why do you want me to drive you to this place?>* Crystal asked with a curious look on her face.

Flow looked upset, but they took a deep breath before they spoke.

*<You would know, we are almost there...>*

As they almost arrive, Crystal notices that the setting has become darker but before she can do anything she hears a creature that just got hit by their car,

*<WHAT WAS THAT SOUND!!>* Crystal shouted as they parked the car, she opens the door and runs to the front to see that nothing was there, it was only a pile of leaves.

*<Weird, I guess around here leaves are the loudest things ever>* Flow joked.

Crystal chuckled as she entered, before she closed the door a creature sneakily entered the car, they continued driving until they finally arrived at their destination, she parks and opens her front door but before she did anything she helped Flow leave theirs, she notices that they were at a graveyard, Crystal's skin started to shiver in fear, as she continued and entered the graveyard while holding Flow's arm, they scattered through the isles of gravestones until they arrived to an arch, written on it said '' The Memories of the war''.

*<Hey Flow, why does it mean the memories of the war?>* Crystal asked with an uneasy look on her face.

*<Do you really want to know; you might feel stressed about what I will say>* Flow said as they put their claw on Crystal's shoulder.

*<Yes, I am sure>* Crystal said proudly as she put her hands on her hips and with a smile on her face, they continued their walk until they arrived at an area filled with mossy tombstones and flowers that looked like they were melting with black goop, some of them had different colored outlines

*<Hey Flow, one of those flowers look like you>* She chuckled.

*<Well Crystal, those are shadow flowers they were used for the war, and that's why I look like this>* Flow said with an unpleasant look on their face,

*<But we should continue, rather not waste all our time>*,

As they continued through all the tombstones, they finally stop to a tombstone decorated with multiple flowers, vine beautifully covering the sides of it and pictures of what seems to be Flow and a worm that sort of shaped like a vine, the tombstone read "Vine; a wolf's best friend, Crystal looks at Flow shocked.

*<Is this why you brought me here?!>* she said

*<Yes, it is, I need your help with something>* as Flow grabbed a bouquet of different types of flowers

*<Will you help me chose what kind of flowers I should put the other ones are dying>*

Crystal's stress was gone as she was focused on something new.

*<Yeah of course, hmm... I like the moon flowers because they are shaped like the moon and its very pretty shade of blue, but I also like the Plumeria because they remind me of a nice summer day on the beach>* she questioned

*<Maybe we could choose both>* Flow said as they smiled at Crystal, both started to grab the flowers they chose and serrounded the tombstone with it.

*<Thank you Crystal, I usually go alone but this time I just needed some company>*

*<Your welcome Flow, I always wondered where you were those other times>* Crystal said happily. 

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