Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Long ago, a war broke out between the planets, causing chaos and destruction everywhere it went. But one day, the god of creativity had enough of their disrespect for the environment and nature. As a result, they blessed a being with the power to stop the chaos. This being, a cristillian named Crystal, successfully put an end to the war, bringing peace to the planets. As Lilac, a female haft-animal with ginger hair finishes their story, they are interrupted by Reese a male haft-animal with brown hair,

*<Uhm... Lilac, I have a question>* Reese said

*<Yeah, what is it?>* Lilac asked with a curious face on her look, Reese stood up above their bed

*<But, what if the things you said in the story might happened again>* Reese look at Lilac with a worried face as he starts to shed a tear

*<Whoa, whoa, Reese why are you thinking about that>*Lilac said as Reese yawned,

*<Reese, you're yawning, go to bed it passed your bedtime, get some sleep>* Lilac said as she tucked in Reese, when she finally tucked him in, she leaves the room and stands against the wall near the door,

*<I hope not...>* she thinks to herself.

It's a beautiful day in Elilaurian, with blue skies, blooming flowers, and trees growing new leaves. Crystal joins Gam3fox at the hotel dinner table.

*<Morning Gam3fox>* as Crystal looks at him in a very tired way

*<Morning Crystal, why do you look so tired?>* he asked

*<Well the reason why is because, Cantaloup kept running away from me, and you know I can't sleep without my favorite toy bunny>* She said, as Gam3fox just had a thought run through his head,

*<Hey Crystal, do you want to hear about this dream I had>*

*<What is it, tell me>* she said curiously

*<Well, in this dream I was in my room, but I was really small, and you entered the room and, and>* before he said anything Crystal interrupted,

*<And I brought you to a portal, then you woke up>* she said

*<How do you know>* Gam3fox said amazed but confused

*<Well, you have said this to me like 3 times already>* she said

*<Oh, I'm sorry...>* as he became upset

Lilac enters the room with a plate of pancakes, and Crystal's mood improves as she quickly eats it,

*<Hey Gam3fox, I need your help with something>* Lilac said

*<Yeah, what is it?>* Gam3fox looked at lilac with a confused face, as Crystal finishes her food, she says something to them

*<Hey guys, I better head out, Pistol needs some help with some chores>*

*<Well, good luck, see you later>* Lilac says, as Crystal leaves she does a dead eye stare at Cantaloup, she enters the car and heads out. 

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