3. No Scrubs

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The Black Dog was never busy on a weekday, just a few people wanting to escape reality for a split second, much like Audrey. They had been coming to this bar since their freshman year, it was their place, all the bar tenders knew them by name (no, not the ones on their fakes) and welcomed them with open arms. 

Knocking back a shot of tequila and quickly sucking on a lime slice, Audrey felt the familiar burn slide down her throat; she hated tequila but she didn't want to remember the night, or even the day before.

 The more the merrier. 

"Audrey Grace, look at you doing tequila shots without me!" exclaimed Eloise, as she got back from the bathroom, gasping at the scene in front of her.

"Eloise Jade, I got you one," replied the extremely drunk Audrey. "Celine Victoria, get her now, there's shots!"

"Can we stop with the full names please, it's weird," said Celine, her face contorting with the bitterness of the lime.

Suddenly, the beats of the music pulsed through their veins, each note in rhythm with their heartbeat, pumping adrenaline through the body; the alcohol acting like liquid courage.

"Oh my, this is my song. Let's dance!" 

All of the girls made their way through the small crowd to the dance floor after hearing the familiar tune of 'No Scrubs' playing through the speakers. 

In the midst of the dance floor, the trio danced effortlessly (completely out of sync), giggling with each verse, singing every lyric like a madman, twinkling lights glittering down onto them, making them look so majestic as time went on. Their hips moved in synchrony with the beat, the music influencing their actions causing them to be free and wild.

For a second, Audrey was no longer Audrey Grace Hayden, the 'it' girl of upper class society, Yale student, she was simply Audrey. No ties to her name, just freedom. 

Complete freedom.

And that's how she liked it; the pressure of society no longer weighed her down, she could be herself with no repercussions. 


Safe to say the hangover the next day was killer

All three girls were sprawled over the living room, snores escaping their mouths with each breath. That was until a knock could be heard from the door, causing Eloise to groan and throw a cushion at it, in hopes it would make them go away. 

"Audrey you get the door, you are closer," said Celine, looking around, her eyes squinting from the harsh sunlight beaming in from the open curtains.

Reluctantly, the brunette got up, her eyes still closed as much as she could without being unable to see, searching for her key to unlock the door and get rid of whoever it was on the other side.

Opening the door, she was met with a joyful looking Christopher, who immediately giggled at his daughter's dishevelled appearance. Audrey quickly made her way back to the piece of the floor she had been laying on, letting her dad close the door for her as he looked around the apartment, which was tidy, apart from the three girls sprawled across the floor.

"Were you all drinking last night?" questioned Christopher, a slight hint of laughter in his words.

"Yes," the girls collectively groaned, not needing to make a cover story as they knew Christopher was okay with them drinking underage. After all, they were in college, they would be doing it anyways, he certainly did it in high school, much younger than those three.

Chris made sure to help the girls to their rooms, however, at this point, Audrey was awake, making hot chocolate and cleaning the kitchen from the pre-drink-drinks they made last night while getting ready.

"Why are you here, as much as I love you, this was very unexpected," said Audrey to her father, nursing a hot cocoa, slightly curing her painful hangover.

"Can I not visit my favourite daughter and check up on her once in a while?" Audrey gave him a look, causing him to cave under her stare, "fine, I want to talk about Lorelai and Rory."

"What about them?"

"We have been invited to a Gilmore family dinner," Chris spoke, his voice laced with hesitance; "I told them I would have to ask you before I said anything."

"When is it?" the girl questioned sipping her hot chocolate; it seemed very interesting right now compared to the conversation she was having with her dad.

"Friday, and it's in Hartford."

"I'll go, please tell me she won't be there," the girl asked, a hint of detest in her voice. By the look in her dad's eyes, she knew he couldn't say she wouldn't. 

Not long after this, her dad left, promising to pick her up on Friday so they could arrive together, not wanting to face this demon all alone. 

The rest of the week was uneventful: a few scheduled phone calls with Logan, figuring out the best routes to her classes before they started on Monday, gossiping with Eloise and Celine (and getting drunk of course), everything was sailing smoothly, yet the dread of Friday loomed over her head constantly, threatening an onslaught of devastation as time edged its way forward, making the day come faster than it should have. 


sorry this chapter is so short im waiting for the next one before things kick off lols 


AND whoever made that  aqa english lit paper 1 macbeth question, i hope you never have to step on lego and both sides of your pillow are cold IT WAS A DREAM 'lady macbeth as a strong female character' I LOVE YOU  🫶 

it made my heart go 💫🥰 💘  ✨

no joke 

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