Chapter Fourteen - Fallen Feathers

Start from the beginning

They stood on the west side of the piglin camp, along with a small group of residents who had come to see them off. Among them were the children that Alex had befriended the previous night, and Vex'n, standing back and watching with his arms crossed over his chest. Undoubtedly there to ensure that Herobrine did, in fact, leave.

"Thank you again for your hospitality," Herobrine said as he was handed a knapsack of his own. With that, he nodded to his companions, and the three of them ventured out into the crimson forest.

"So," Y/N spoke as the sounds of the camp behind them gradually faded out of earshot. "What is our plan for if we're attacked by hoglins? This is where they live, correct?"

"It is," Alex confirmed. "The piglins gave us some of the warped mushrooms they use to keep them at bay, but if it's the zombie ones it won't work on them."

"If we should be attacked, we flee." Herobrine ordered. "It's not worth the risk, especially when we can easily outrun them."

"Right." Y/N nodded readily. Herobrine could guess that she was as keen on avoiding a repeat of their last hoglin encounter as he was.

Herobrine's thoughts wandered as they traveled deeper into the forest. He had slept poorly the previous night, kept up by the conversation he'd had with the highlord. He had grown far too comfortable with being treated as an equal by the piglins at Queen Rosales' castle... it was good for him to have been reminded of his sins.

Along with the wake-up call, their stop had allowed them to rest in a safe environment and replenish their supplies. Herobrine made a note to check and see exactly what they had been given when they next stopped. It wouldn't be for a while - Herobrine anticipated them being able to travel for most of the day, assuming there were no interruptions. And unless Y/N needed to rest.

Herobrine's blank gaze flickered over to where she walked on his left, studying her gait for any signs of pain - then looking away when he realized how much more form-fitting her new clothes were compared to her robes. He couldn't help remembering the way she'd gazed up at him as they danced, one of her hands linked with his as the other rested on his shoulder. He'd been afraid, for a moment, that she wouldn't accept his invitation, but it seemed he had nothing to worry about.

"Hey," Alex's voice broke him out of his thoughts, and he glanced to his right to see her pointing. "Is that a feather?"

"Let me see?" Y/N hurried forward, and Herobrine spotted a speck of white amongst the crimson mushroom stems as he followed. By the time he and Alex had caught up, Y/N was stooping down, plucking the white feather off the ground.

"I've seen chickens in the Nether, but not this far out," Alex said, craning her neck to get a better look at it. "And definitely not one that big. Could it be from your friend?"

"No." Y/N's face was grim as she turned to Herobrine, holding up the feather for him to see. It was stained red with blood. "Sirben."

"At your service." The call from behind them had Herobrine whipping around, his blank gaze flashing up to the mushroom caps to find a red-robed valkyrie standing atop them.

Herobrine had drawn his weapon before he'd even fully registered the newcomer, instinctively blocking their foe's view of Alex and Y/N as he studied him. Sirben certainly looked worse for wear after forty years of banishment- his red cloak was ragged, his dark hair tied back in a haphazard ponytail, and his face was marred by a prominent scar across his cheek. The malice in his gold-rimmed eyes, however, was just the same as Herobrine remembered it.

"Sirben." Y/N crouched, spreading her wings, but Herobrine threw up a hand to stop her.

"Y/N, wait."

"I can't say I'm not impressed," Sirben called down, his hands met nonchalantly behind his back as he peered down at them. "Forty years, and you're still together. That takes dedication." Herobrine just glared at him. He wanted to teleport up and slit his throat before he had a chance to flee, but if Sirben had revealed himself then this was likely some sort of trap.

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