Chapter Two

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She didn't know how much time had passed.

Staring into Aymon's eyes, they had ventured even deeper into the woods, coming to a village in the trees. Lanterns lit the place with a mystical blue glow, the same color as his eyes. Treading as silently as the man she followed walked many villagers, all with the same pointed ears and glowing blue eyes. 

She had been taken to the largest treehouse, where she and Aymon had sat and talked for who know how long. Passage of time was nearly nonexistent in this place, where not even the noon sun shone. Thick branches blocked all light except that of the lanterns. They talked of a great many things, many including the lack of magic in the kingdom of the humans. The Elves, as Lilly had learned Aymon's people were called, all possessed the ability to use magic to manipulate the world around them. That was how they stayed hidden from outsiders.

"I took a huge risk in revealing myself to you, princess." Aymon was saying, as he sat down with her once again, handing her a plate of fruits of varieties Lilly had never seen before.

"Why did you do it, then?" She asked dazedly, taking a bite of one of the fruits.

"Because I see something in you. Something none of your people possess. The ability to face the unknown without running and hiding or trying to destroy it."

"I see..." Lilly's eyes suddenly snapped open wide, everything coming into focus for the first time since she had arrived in this place.

"That fruit just granted you immunity to my powers." Aymon said quietly.

Lilly jolted to her feet, the fruit spilling on the floor, backing away for a moment, then turning and bolting down the spiral staircase that led out of the treehouse and towards the forest.

"Lilly, wait!" Aymon called after her, but she didn't respond. She just kept running.

She ran for a long time, stumbling through briars and walls of branches. Somewhere along the way, she lost her cloak.

She finally found herself in the clearing where she had first met Aymon. The moon was in the same place as it had been. She continued her headlong dash through the jungle of trees and bushes.

She somehow found herself on the cliff overlooking the castle, on the opposite side from where she had left the place. Flames licked out from the castle's windows, reaching for the sky. The sounds of battle came from the courtyard, where Lilly could barely make out the figures of Men-at-arms fighting against invaders.

Aymon appeared from behind her, panting a bit. "I'm so sorry, Lilly. I tried to warn you."

"Is this your doing?!" She demanded, spinning around to face him.

"No. This has nothing to do with the Elves. If we had wanted to wipe out your people, we would have done it a long time ago." He sighed, "I drew you out of the castle last night, so you'd be safe. I've been watching the royal family for a while, and I concluded that you were the one to save."

"Why didn't you try and save everyone?!"

"Do you really think your family would want to be saved by me, Princess? They think Elves are monsters. They'd rather die than be saved by one of us."

Lilly sniffed, turning back to face the castle. The fight was dying down by now, the invaders being the only ones left moving about in the courtyard by now. She shivered, rubbing her arms.

Aymon took off his cloak, wrapping it around her shoulders, staying with her as she watched the invaders loot the castle and move out, disappearing into the woods. The flames burned for quite some time, finally dying down as the sun lit the sky red.

"What do I do now?" She asked quietly. "No one could have survived that."

"Follow me where I go, Lilly. You've got nothing left here. Come back to the village with me. You'll be safe and secure."

She nodded, looking into his glowing blue eyes once again. "I'm ready. Let's go."

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