Chapter 2

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 Tyler arrived at Gram's house in the middle of the night two nights ago. His mother begged him not to leave but he needed to see Morgan and Analee. Miss Sheila let him stay, understanding the circumstances. Morgan woke up two mornings in a row in Tyler's arms. That morning, Analee was draped over her father and their face held similar expressions. She smiled softly as she got up and moved Analee before nudging Tyler. He was not having it. "Come on. Your mom needs you." He groaned and moved Lee's hand off of him. Then he sat on the side of the bed next to her. She held his hand.

"I don't- I just can't listen to everyone talk about what a great guy he was."

"I know but he was mayor. They have to say that. Very few people will genuinely mean it, if that helps?"

"It does. Will you and Analee be next to me?"

"Of course."

"All day?"

"If that's what you need."

"I do." She nodded.

"Go get ready."

At the memorial service, they walked straight to the front row. Morgan put Analee in a tasteful black dress and she wore the same. "Daddy!" Analee shouted and he took her in his arms before kissing her forehead. Morgan looked to Tyler's mother.

"Mrs.Lockwood, if you need anything, let me know." Carol Lockwood just nodded mindlessly, "Why aren't you wearing black?"

"Ddin't feel like it," he said with a shrug.

As she promised, she'd stayed by his side during the wake, where they welcomed the whole town into the Lockwood estate. But Analee was getting hungry so she wanted to go look through the food. She found nothing but some fruit salad which Analee was not hapoy about. They returned to Tyler to see him talking to a familiar looking man. "What happened to you?" the man asked him.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked in reply.

"In my head you're still like twelve years old."

"Which was two years older than the last time you saw me, Uncle Mason."

"Yeah-" She didn't hear after that because they hugged and Analee squirmed to get down from her arms and run to her father.

"Daddy!" she said and he grabbed her as she throttled towards him. Mason looked shocked. Morgan came right after. "Daddy, they don't have grilled cheese."

"Well we gotta fix that," Tyler said to her with a smile. He looked at Morgan then back at his uncle, "Hey Uncle Mason, you remember Morgan?"

"Of course I do."

"And this is our daughter Analee." His eyes widened but he smiled at Analee.

"Nice to meet you, Analee. I'm your Uncle Mason."

"Uncle May-sin." She repeated the words back slowly.

"Yeah, that's right."

"I'm gonna take her home," Morgan said and grabbed her. She moved Analee to one side, "Call me if you want me to come back. But don't think I didn't smell whiskey last night. If you drink, don't drive." He nodded and leaned over to kiss Analee's forehead then the corner of Morgan's lips on her cheek.

"Okay Lee, say Bye to Daddy."


"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Daddy!" she said and gave him a sloppy kiss.

Mason found him less than an hour later, in the study drinking. "Guess Dad didn't tell you."

"Not even close. Beautiful kid and hot girlfriend."

"Oh Morg and I don't date. We just have Analee." Mason was surprised.


"I'm sixteen."

"So is she." Tyler took a deep sip of his flask.

"It's not what she wants," he said, it even felt like a lie.

"I have a very hard time believing that. You mean it's not what you want. Or what you think you want."

"Why does it matter?"

"You'll figure it out. I just hope it's not after it's too late."

Morgan ran into Mason a couple days later. She'd been dropping Analee off every day to spend some time with Mrs.Lockwood. It seemed to be helping her out a lot. Analee had that effect on people. Mason called out to her as she was walking to her car.

"Hey, what's up?" Morgan asked him.

"I was wondering if I could take you and Analee out to lunch this weekend? Or dinner sometime this week?"

"Sure. We never turn down free food."

They met up that Thursday. The next day the plan was to go to Tyler's football game. "So..." Morgan eventually said as Analee colored.


"Why the invite?"

"Well you're both family. I want to get to know you. And see Analee."

"Oh, Okay. Do you want kids?" she asked him.

"I used to think I dind't but I don't know. I guess I don't need to now that Analee here has been born."

"What do you mean?"

"Rick was the eldest. Tyler is his only child and then Analee will get it after him. I found the paperwork in his study." Morgan was astonished.

"Wow, I thought...."

"I know. Tyler told me what he said. If I was there, I'd definitely have hit him. But in the end, he did view her as a Lockwood. She's even listed in the Founder's Council ledger."

"What? I don't want her near that stuff." The council ledger was so that if anyone on the founder's council passed, a next person would be brought into the know.

"Stuff?" Morgan raised a brow at him, "You know."

"Bennetts are witches." His eyes widened.

"Does the council know that?" She shook her head.

"Most likely some. The Gilberts at least knew. But maybe we keep some things to ourselves?" He nodded then looked to Analee with new curiosity,

"So she's quite special." Morgan ran her finger through her daughter's curls.

"Even without being a Bennett."

"I'd like to spend time with you all while I'm here."

"Of course." Unfortunately, it didn't seem like Lockwoods were good at keeping their words since they never hung out again.

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