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Choi Han strolled through the Henituse territory's market, a scene alive with colors and clamor. Stallholders beckoned with goods from distant lands: bolts of silk, gleaming silverware, and exotic spices. The aroma of freshly baked pastries mingled with the earthy scent of root vegetables. Merchants bargained fiercely while minstrels' melodies danced through the air.

Choi Han found himself lost in the peaceful scene of the market, a stark contrast to the recent gruesome encounters with the White Star's arm. As he descended to the street to buy gifts for the wolf children, he couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over him amidst the bustling streets.

Amidst the chatter of merchants and the vibrant colors of the stalls, Choi Han's mind briefly wandered to the children he sought gifts for. Those children have lost their tribe with only a few members left, and even then, they showed such mightiness that if he, himself was in their shoes might find it difficult to handle his emotions.

Choi Han smiled to himself thinking of his family.

' Maybe i should also buy some sweets for the others.'

However, his tranquility was soon shattered by the sound of whispers echoing down a nearby alleyway. Instinctively, Choi Han's senses sharpened, his hand moving instinctively towards the hilt of his sword as he approached the source of the disturbance. 

It was rare for such disturbance to happen in this peaceful territory with almost no signs of crime. Yet here he was eavesdropping the conversation of two human traffickers.

"Should we kill this child?" one voice murmured, the words sending anger in choi han's mind at the mere thought of a child dying.

"Tch, it isn't of any use for us. Seeing its condition, this thing is better off dead." another voice responded, dripping with callous indifference.

Choi Han's jaw clenched as he stepped deeper into the alley, his gaze narrowing on the two bulky men before him. One held a white bundle of clothes in one hand, a sword gripped tightly in the other. The other man, more refined in appearance, also held a sword, though its craftsmanship spoke of a different caliber.

"What's going on here?" Choi Han demanded, his voice low and menacing as he confronted the pair.

The men turned to face him, surprise flickering briefly across their features before being replaced by thinly veiled hostility.

"None of your business," the refined man sneered, his hand tightening on the hilt of his sword.

Choi Han's eyes narrowed dangerously as he took a step closer, his aura radiating a palpable sense of danger.

"Try me," he growled, his voice laced with a quiet intensity that left no room for argument.

The two men exchanged a wary glance before the refined one launched towards the black haired swordsman, and within seconds one sword and a head was cut and landed on the ground.

" D-Don't move!" The remaining man shouted while waving his sword. Due to the loud noises, a little whimper came from the bundle held by that man. 

Choi Han stepped forward and the scene was soon painted with more blood along with the white bundle dyed in red.

As the white bundle threatened to slip from the dead man's grasp, Choi Han's instincts kicked in with lightning speed. He lunged forward, his movements swift and precise, catching the bundle just in time. His heart pounded in his chest as he unwrapped the stained sheets, revealing the fragile form of a small, pale baby.

There, cradled within the crimson-stained fabric, lay a tiny, fragile life. The baby's frail form was a stark contrast against the harsh surroundings, its pale complexion tinged with a hint of pink. Brownish black locks of hair framed its delicate face, adorned with tiny freckles that dotted its chubby cheeks. It was such a shame that his eyes were closed as the baby slept peacefully despite his bloody surrounding.

The baby couldn't have been more than four months old.

Choi Han's heart clenched at the thought of what the child had endured, its short life already marred by violence and cruelty. Seeing his encounter with these people, this child was probably an orphan, or they kidnapped this child.

Kneeling down, Choi Han's hands trembled as he reached out to gently stroke the baby's cheek. The child stirred at his touch, emitting a soft whimper that pierced through the silence of the alley.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Choi Han gazed down at the infant, his mind racing with a torrent of emotions. Anger, sorrow, and compassion warred within him, each vying for dominance as he struggled to make sense of the senseless violence that had brought him to this moment.

But amidst the chaos of his thoughts, one thing remained clear: he couldn't leave the child here, alone and defenseless. Choi Han carefully cradled the baby in his arms, holding it close to his chest as he rose to his feet.

Everyone would be happy to give this little one love. The children would also be happy to have a new family member.

Choi Han may have failed to save his loved ones once, but in that moment, he had made a difference in the life of one innocent soul.

And for him, that was enough.

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