jealousy and longing

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Cruel's pov

Big brother please don't abandon me !! I'm sorry I'll be good!! I'll work just how I used to in the orphanage , please just love me once big brother!!!

My eyes opened to see the ceiling once more, even though it was still quite dark but I got out of bed wanting to release this guilt and longing clouding my heart, the same dream hunted me again.

Opening the window, I could clearly see the bright moon, I sigh remembering that child.

Deon hart. My adopted brother whom my parents found at the orphanage. I always wanted a sibling but unfortunately my mother can no longer give birth so she and father got Deon for me , at first I thought he would be a dirty looking commoner, but the moment he stepped at our doors I was completely captivated.

Gorgeous white white features silky smooth hair like silk shining like silver, ruby colored eyes rose red lips that could captivate any being, he was so bright and fragile like a flower glowing in the night, so sweet and kind so lovely and delicate. we later found out that he has a friel body that could easily get sick by a slightest stress, we made sure he would get the best treatment as much as possible. Me especially my parents loved him to the core.

But then that day came the 8 years war began and he was taken there when originally it was supposed to be me. Me and my parents were devastated day by day we begged his highest to take me instead of Deon but it was too late Deon was already fighting and we couldn't even send him a letter.

We prayed and prayed that he would come back safe and sound, but when that day came, I never imagined in a million years that Deon my sweet adopted little brother who couldn't even kill a bug, murdered everyone in the hart estate even our parents, he returned bloody and in agony crying besides our parents dead lifeless body. how I wish I could take that pain away. I know in our parents last moment they were thinking the same, we love him too much to even hate him, his a victim an innocent victim and it's all thanks to darn duke elluster.

If possible I want to hold him close and keep him safe and whisper sweet words into his ears, making him feel loved and happy.

I wonder how his doing right now , I hope his safe wherever he is I just hope his okay, I hope his eating well, I hope his not sick.


I wish he would be here

Deon's pov


I snapped and turned around both kings were staring at me with concern, how long did I space out?

Caver"arut are you not well? We've been calling you for the last five minutes"

Me"y-yes I'm okay , your majesty"

Fairy king"beautiful isn't? The world tree is the most tree in all of the land"

World tree ? So just now did it-

Me"it is... I apologize for not paying attention earlier to your majesty and your highness"

Caver"don't be , like any other you're just attracted to beautiful things. Now I think it's time to go back it seems like your mood has Britten up"

Me" yes !"

Caver"will then see you around fairy king"

Both me and his majesty have disappeared.

Fairy king pov

Just now... did the world tree shine? maybe I'm just mistaken but that was the first time I saw it glow since .... the first hero came. It's not possible maybe I'm just imagining things, the zero corps commander can't be a hero. Though I can't deny the fact that he came from the empire.

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