Chapter 4

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Stephanie's P. O. V:

I sit on the hay bales with Zoe, Pin and Jade who is working on her science project on the wild horses by the hitching post, watching Heather getting ready to ride Bob with Becky's and Aaron's assistance.

I wear a long sleeved icy blue shirt with a half zipper and denim jacket and navy jodhpurs, my red hair in a ponytail.

I wear a long sleeved icy blue shirt with a half zipper and denim jacket and navy jodhpurs, my red hair in a ponytail

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She'd blackmailed us into giving her riding lessons otherwise she'd tell her mother about Ariel hiding out in Bright Fields

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She'd blackmailed us into giving her riding lessons otherwise she'd tell her mother about Ariel hiding out in Bright Fields.

"How do I look?" Asks Heather as Aaron uses a brush to scrub dirt off her right boot. She's dressed in a pink checkered shirt and black jacket with a pink helmet on her head and red ribbon in her hair. She also has a pink tie with stars on it around her neck, done up neatly.

"Heh! Like a blackmailer!" Aaron huffs in distaste before continuing to scrub her boot.

"Here's how it's going to go," Says Heather, "I want a full morning's riding, and, I want to jump!"

Becky tells her firmly, "Bob doesn't jump, he limbos! How many times do I have to tell you?!"

"And, unless you do exactly as I say, I'm telling my mum about Ariel," Heather finishes smugly. "Trot on!"

I say in exaggeration, "That girl makes Mia look like she's a pushover."


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