Chapter 3

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Stephanie's P. O. V:

I wear a sleeveless light green shirt with a half zipper and black jodhpurs as I stand next to Zoe and Pin in the back stall with Gaby, Ariel pawing at the ground in front of us.

I wear a sleeveless light green shirt with a half zipper and black jodhpurs as I stand next to Zoe and Pin in the back stall with Gaby, Ariel pawing at the ground in front of us

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Wanted posters of the mare have also been put up around the yard.

Gaby says, "Something's wrong."

Pin says thoughtfully, gazing at the anxious mare, "I can't figure it out. She's physically fine." Pin had just finished examining her with my assistance, but found no physical wounds on her. Ariel is shaking and her tail is really high, but other than that, we can't find anything wrong with her...

Zoe suggests, gesturing to the mare, "Well, maybe she knows there's a price on her head? The whole island is looking for her."

As Ariel nickers, the top stall door opens and Marcus pops his head in. "Hey, is Mia here?" He asks.

I say, "No. what's up?"

Marcus says worriedly, "The training center called and they want me to do my exam today and she's supposed to be riding for me..."

"Today?" Zoe asks worriedly.

"Yup. The examiner's on her way."

Gaby says, stepping forward, "You have to cancel."

Pin tells the Greenbridge, "Ariel's distressed. We can't let any outsiders in until we've worked out what's wrong with her."

Gaby inputs fearfully, "They could report her to the Mayor!"

Looking disappointed, Marcus says, holding up his cellphone, "I'll give them a call back."

Zoe says, making Marcus pause, "Marcus, wait. You're always putting us first and now it's our turn to do the same for you. So, Golden Boy, go out there and ace that exam!" Marcus smiles appreciatively before he closes the door and Zoe turns back to us. "We can handle Ariel. Right?"

We look back at the anxious mare as she shifts and nickers.

Pin says he's going to get some medicine for Ariel and Gaby and Zoe stay back to watch the mare.

I wait for him by checking in on Dream, seeing how she's settling in. When I find Pin later, he tells me Marcus had failed not because he'd quit the academy, but because he'd set up the course for someone else and something in him was missing when he was instructing the duke.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Marcus and hope he feels better soon.

I also hope that Mia will return to Bright Fields soon, because nobody has seen her since yesterday.

I wonder what's up?


In the back stable, Zoe and Gaby sit up on the hay bale balcony while Pin and I gaze at Ariel in amazement. He's still wearing the white competition shirt and blanket jacket he wore during the exam. Raven is with Ariel because she'd gone to him when she'd escaped. And Raven was how she'd gotten back.

I say, "She's a different horse. How did you guys work it out?"

Zoe answers, "Gaby knew that Ariel needed to get out of here."

Nudging Zoe's shoulder playfully, the Grant inputs, "Well, then Zoe spotted the connection with Raven."

I say, "It looks like you two work well together. Who'd have thought?"

I turn back to the mare as Zoe says, "Well, I mean, there's definitely something between them! Raven knew that Ariel was at the moors, and I think she came over here to be near him!" Gaby hums in agreement as she nods and it's Zoe's turn to nudge her. "And Gaby, of course!"

Gaby's phone buzzes and she takes it out. "Look!"

Zoe reads, "Under 18 Tryouts application accepted!" Zoe's own phone buzzes just as mine does. "I got one too!"

"So did I!" I say, looking at my screen with the open message. My phone is a blue iPhone 7. "This is really happening!"

Gaby says with a glance at me, "May the best girl win!"

Gaby, Zoe and I say in unison, "As long as it's not Mia!!"

Becky and Jade appear at the door just now and enter, smiling at the mare while Pin goes to examine her right side, gently running his hands over her.

Zoe greets, "Hey, Jade! How's the herd? Did you get any pictures?"

"Oh, yeah! I got loads. Someone else has been on the castle grounds," Says Jade, handing her phone to the African-American girl.

"Tire tracks...?" Zoe murmurs.

Gaby says fearfully, "Maybe it was the Mayor? Looking for Ariel?"

Zoe pats her leg as Pin frowns at the mare, and she tells her assuringly, "Hey! Our little fugitive is safe and well here at Bright Fields."

Pin gently runs his hand under Ariel's belly, and I see that she's shaking, just like the last time we checked her.

Pin says as we flick our eyes up to the girls on the balcony, "She may not be the only one we have to look after." Zoe and Gaby look to him questioningly. "I can't believe I missed it! She's shaking, her tail's really high..." Pin trails off as he stands by Ariel's head and cups her muzzle, gazing at Gaby and Zoe with a grin. "She's pregnant. There's no mistaking it."

Gaby laughs with joy as Zoe looks shocked. "No way," Gaby mutters.

Zoe says, "Well, that seals the deal. We have to protect Ariel and her baby. No matter what it takes."

I smile at the mare when a girl's voice says from the door, "I knew you were keeping something from me." We whip our heads around in shock to see Heather, worried expressions on our faces as we exchange glances. "You guys are in so much trouble!"

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