Chapter 1

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Vincent walked over to the Captain, Simon, with his hunch back and blind eye.

 "Oi, sir." Vincent grumbled, his voice raspy and dry.

"Yes, Sargent?" Simon replied as he took a drag from the cigarette between his fingers. 

"We have been updated on Caspian's Position. Wanna know if you have a plan yet." Vincent groaned, who sounded like he never took a sip of water for years.

"No I don't." Simon said his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course I bloody do!" 

"Jesus Christ mate. Who's got your knickers in a twist?" Vincent laughed dryly.

"Maybe the fact a terrorist is roaming around bombing everything in sight!?"  He yelled at Vincent in frustration. "And don't forget his little bloody minions!!" He continued to shout and yell.

"Calm down Cap. We'll catch him. A meeting with everyone is starting in ten minutes for our next mission." Vincent patted his captains shoulder.

"Fine. Now get out my sight." Simon said as he took another long drag from his cigarette while shrugging Vincent's hand off his shoulder. 

Vincent sighed, pulled his hand away and walked out the captains office. 

10 minutes and everyone was sat round the table in the briefing room. John, Simon, Toby, Vincent and even Rain their medic sat around the table. Simon spoke up,

"Listen here. As you know our whole plan is to stop Caspian. We have tracked his location to this place in Hungary. We've be told that he has plans to bomb Austria next. His goal his Russia. We cannot let this happen. We'll be leaving base in the morning, be up at ready at dawn. No later and no earlier." Simon snapped, his tone harsh and sharp. 

"Sir," Micheal spoke up, his American obvious as he spoke. "What i-" he tried to speak but was cut off.

"Shut the fuck up Micheal! No one asked you!!" John growled at Micheal. "Fucking fag." he rolled his eyes. 

"Go Fuck yourself." Micheal replied. Giving John the middle finger.

A few words went back and forth and before anyone knew it Micheal and John was having a full-on fight. John had Micheal pinned up against one of the walls with a bloody nose and a split lip. They weren't the smallest of people for sure, everyone either was just watching or recording while Simon was seething. Gritted teeth and hands clenched into fists as they stared at the 2 men fight. They were both trying to get a swing at each other, thank god they didn't have their guns on them or someone would've had a death wish, 

"For 2 men in their late forties... you would've thought they wouldn't  act like children." Rain, the medic whispered to Vincent.

"I second that..." Vincent chuckled as he took a sip of his coffee. His big hands gripping his mug. 

Meanwhile Micheal and John were throwing each others around, punching, kicking doing whatever they could to injure one another. They were bruised and battered as they pushed and shoved each other around the room.

"ENOUGH!!" Simon yelled, getting fed up of their little fight. They both stopped and looked at their captain. "Get both your arses down to medical before I beat you bad enough you'll end up i bed rest for a week. Now get up." He said sternly, leaving no room to argue. The 2 men got off each other reluctantly and walked down to first aid, shame and embarrassment written all over their faces. Rain followed so she could keep and eye on them both. 

Once they got down to first said, Rain had them sit on a couple of chairs as she wrote them up in the register so they weren't scolded for being missing on campus. She continued to type on her computer for a while until she closed it and got bandages  and two ice packs. She got rubbing alcohol and a damp cleaning cloth. "This'll sting for a second." She warned before pouring a bit of the rubbing alcohol onto the cloth and placed it onto Johns head. 

"Ow you little bi..." his Sentence trailed off when he saw the look Rain was giving him "sorry." He apologised. As she went back to cleaning the open wound on his forehead before placing the ice pack there. "Keep it on there for at least fifteen minutes at minimum." She said before doing the same with Micheal and she wrapped their bloody hands in bandages. 

Around 20 minutes later Simon walked in.

"Oi, you two. I've made my decision. You will no longer be coming on the mission tomorrow morning. What you did was stupid and childish. I am truly disappointed." Simon said without showing any hit or remorse. 

"But sir! We didn't mean it....!!" Micheal tried to explain. 

"It's too late. You will not only not be coming on this mission, but also, you now have to do 100 laps around the field for every  HOUR we are gone. And do not make me repeat myself." Simon snapped cold heartedly. 

"Yes sir..." They both sighed and got up and left the first aid.

"Those two really are quite the handle, aren't they?" Rain laughed as she cleared up her work space. 

"Ugh I know, complete bloody bastards is what they are." Simon huffed as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. 

"Go get some sleep it's approaching curfew, better head to bed, captain. I'm about to head to bed as well." Rain said, making conversation as she packed her things up ready for bed.

"Yup. Well then, good night. And I'll see you in the morning, correct?" He asked. 

"Of course, you always do." She laughed and watched as Simon walked away to the barracks as she packed up the last of her things. While she was, she saw a little fly trying to get out so she opened the window, letting it fly out. Rain had always been a gentle soul, but she wouldn't hesitate to rip someone limb from limb if she had too. She was well build but still looked like she couldn't hurt a fly in the right light.

1006 words, hope you enjoy.  @Bee_1w1

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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