Chapter 18

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3rd Person POV

In New York, Benny joins Ariana at her studio as she wraps up some writing she wants to record. Emerging from the recording room, Ariana playfully leaps onto Benny's lap, exchanging giggles and kisses. It's a rare moment of relaxation for the busy duo, who've been swamped lately. Ariana has been meaning to discuss something important with Benny, but before she can, her phone abruptly rings, cutting their conversation short. Benny glances at the caller ID and sees it's Bowie.

"Hey, Bowie," Benny answers, her voice immediately tense as she senses something is wrong.

"Benny, listen," Bowie's voice is urgent, "I'm in Brooklyn for this music seminar, and I just found out Maggie's here too."

"Maggie? What's she doing in Brooklyn?" Benny asks, confusion creeping into her voice.

"She's here for interviews, you know, for her upcoming album," Bowie explains quickly.

Before Bowie can continue, Benny's heart sinks as she hears sirens wailing in the background of the call.

"Bowie, what's happening?" Benny's voice trembles with fear.

"There's been a shooting, Benny," Bowie's voice cracks with emotion, "Maggie and I were supposed to meet for dinner, but... but we got caught in the crossfire between two gangs."

Benny's hand tightens around her phone as she struggles to process the horrifying news. Ariana reaches out, placing a comforting hand on Benny's arm, her own eyes wide with shock.

"Bowie, are you okay?" Benny manages to choke out, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm... I'm fine, just a graze," Bowie's voice is strained, "But Maggie... she's... she's not okay, Benny. She's been shot."

Tears well up in Benny's eyes as she listens to Bowie's words, her heart breaking at the thought of her baby cousin in danger.

"Bowie, where's Jenny?" Benny asked over the phone.

"She's currently giving the paramedics an earful and has been making phone calls. I promised her I would call you," Bowie responded.

"We're on our way," Benny promises, her voice steady despite the tears streaming down her face, "Hang in there, Bowie. We'll be there soon."

As Benny ends the call, she turns to Ariana, her expression filled with determination.

"We need to get to Brooklyn, now," she says, her voice filled with resolve, "Maggie needs us."

Ariana calls for her driver and tells him they need to get to Mount Sinai Medical Center in Brooklyn immediately. As they were on their way to the hospital, Benny called Maggie's dad and then her parents. Benny had her private jet heading to Maine to pick them up. Ariana was holding Benny's hand tightly as she watched the tears fall from Benny's face. She watched as Benny tried to remain calm and strong as she made the phone calls to their family and the bandmates. Ariana wished she could take all this pain away from Benny.

As they arrived at the hospital, Benny hopped out of the SUV and grabbed Ariana's hand, and they rushed to the Emergency Room, asking where Bowie and Maggie were being held. Jenny walked through the doors and saw Benny and Ariana. They quickly rushed to each other and hugged tightly. Jenny pulled them to the side away from others in the waiting room who were beginning to realize who they were.

Benny pulled Jenny into another hug and broke down crying as Jenny held her close. Ariana stood nearby, wiping her tears as she watched the strong woman she was in love with break down. Jenny looked up at Ariana, reached for her, and embraced her in a hug too. All three of them stood there, holding each other closely for support.

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