16. Dinner

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It's already January 9th.

I grunt and pull the cover over my head. I do feel better, especially after having that warm soup yesterday but the thought of it gives me an uneasy feeling gnawing at my gut with only one question replaying in my mind on repeat: Who made that soup?

I checked my door last night and it was locked, just like how every window was shut, though I doubt anyone would come through the window given the fact that my apartment was on the fifth floor.

"Fifth floor..." I startle and sit up.

I "lived" on a fifth floor in Felix's scenario! And the soup last night tasted exactly like Changbin's! And I can look past the fact that the pet shop owner appeared in my VR with Seugmin because I met him that same day but...

"All of this is freaking me out!" I grab my head, the soup from last night threatening to make it's appearance on my lap.

"I need to calm down... I need a distraction!"

My eyes go straight to the VR set at the foot of my bed.

"No! I've had enough of you!"

I spring up from my bed, take a shower, and make myself a light breakfast as my stomach is still rumbling in anxiety. I eat the plain toast and jam but I can't even finish it.

I look out of the window, it's raining again. I sigh. I definitely don't want to get sick again. So, instead of going out or watching TV, I take upon my other hobby - reading.

Looking through my bookshelf, my finger stops on a book I don't remember having. My heart begins to thump rapidly as I slide it out.


The book I'm holding is the same one Seungmin bought me in the VR! 

I let it fall to the floor. I fall to my knees next, my breath heaving, my heart drumming in my ears.

Suddenly, my phone rings and I fight the weakness in my legs to reach it. 

"Hello?" I answer without looking at the caller ID.

"How are you, my daughter dearest?"

It's my mom. I let out a shaky breath, tears blurring my vision.

"Mom... I..."

"Is everything alright?"

"Ah... yes... I mean... no, I don't know! Everything is so messed up! I think I'm losing my mind!"

"Calm down, calm down..."

Her voice is soothing but my breath is shaky as the tears fall freely from my eyes.

"Everything will be just fine, breathe."

I shake my head. "I don't know, Mom... Ever since I started using this VR thing... I mean, I feel happy that I get to meet and spend time with Stray Kids but..."

"It's okay, you're just a little confused," I hear her smile. "Virtual reality is not real but the life you're living is."

"Mom!" I shout purely out of distress. "I was feeling sick yesterday and when I finished my VR, a bowl of soup was on my nightstand! My door was locked!!"

She laughs. "Oh, that was me," she giggles. "I still have the key, remember? We used to live in that apartment so I kept one in case I need to stop by."

"But... how did you know I was sick?"

"Oh, I didn't. I just made you soup, knowing how much you like it."

VR - Virtual Reality [STRAY KIDS FF] ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें