3. Revelation

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As my mind is filled with thoughts of a certain experience, I operate on autopilot and bite into my avocado toast. My eyes are on the TV screen but I'm not paying any attention to the program and what the reporter is talking about. I'm still thinking about Chan... His laugh, touch, and kiss keep replying in my mind.

But my hand stops mid-bite as the presenter introduces her next guest.

"Dad?!" I jump from my chair.

My father and the lady presenter start talking and I almost fall over, rushing to grab the remote and turn up the volume.

"... the prototype is made, and the application is in the stores but not available for download as we still need to look through it for any potential bugs." My father says with a huge proud smile on his face.

"I am sure that the users will love it," the woman across my dad smiles. "Can you show us what does that box in you hands include and explain the gadgets?"

My father nods at her question. I notice a white box on the table and between his hands. "The package of our product contains the..." he opens the box and reveals the first item - black glasses. My mouth hangs open but I don't dare to blink, calming even my breathing to hear what he has to say.

"VR glasses through which a user can see their experience," my father introduces the item, showing the glasses to the camera.

He nods and lays them back in the box, taking a smaller package. "These are the earbuds, through which the user will hear everything that is happening in their scenario," he shows the small black buds and the camera zooms in on the small box in his hand before zooming back on his smiling face.

"And finally, we have a remote control," Dad raises a white remote control with exactly eight buttons. "Once the user puts on the glasses, they can navigate through the app with this remote. All these items must be connected via Bluetooth to the user's phone."

"And how does the application work, professor?" The reporter asks and I dismiss the title she used on my father, too immersed to hear the rest of his speech.

My father takes his phone and opens a purple and pink app, showing the welcome screen to the camera.

"A user must sign in and agree with terms and conditions before advancing. The minimal age for signing up is 15 but we encourage the parents to always supervise their children."

"That's how it should be for everything." The reporter interrupts and my dad nods.

"Yes. Next, once the user signs up, they will see something like this," he tapped something and then the phone showed the big question.

"What makes you happy?"

I pull the spare chair and sit, afraid I'll fall from all this shock.

"That is an interesting question," the woman chuckles. "It can make you think deeply about it."

"Yes," my father agrees, "But it can also be a simple question and you might have answers flash in your mind right away," his smile widens and he glances at the camera before returning his gaze to the woman. "Your source of happiness can be your family, pets, friends... or maybe even a popular music band, or a certain celebrity..."

His voice comes out even at the last part and a shiver immediately runs through my body. I'm still unable to comprehend the situation. My head starts hurting.

The reporter woman giggles. "Yes, some people, especially girls, would love to live in a reality where their favorite idol is their romantic partner."

My father laughs as well. "I absolutely agree."

VR - Virtual Reality [STRAY KIDS FF] ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt