Chapter 12

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Weapon? Check. Armor? Check. Recovery grass? Check.

"All right."

When I decided to do so, I took a step out with my trembling legs. Step by step, I walked out of my land. And then ──


I managed to get out completely.

The scenery outside should have been the same as when I saw it from inside the fence, but it looked more colorful in my eyes and I was stunned for a while. As I gradually began to feel it, I began to walk with a certain step.

Even if I say to explore the surroundings this time, I don't have the courage to go too far away, so I will only explore at a distance where I still can see the house. Someday, I'll go farther away while considering the house as the mark.

I held the [Absolute Spear] as my weapon, and proceeded while watching my surroundings. It was the first time I saw the forest's trees up close, but they all had leaves I'd never seen before. There were many flowers amidst a poisonous-looking rainbow of colors, and even flowers that emitted pale light.

Looking at this really drives home the fact that it's a different world.

While I was taking in the fantastical sights, I suddenly felt the presence of creatures. The [Presence Detection] skill must have been working. While steadying my breathing, I followed the presence of the creature and caught sight of it.

It was a child-like creature with green skin, dressed in shabby armor, with sharp eyes, an aquiline nose, and some awfully sharp fangs lined up in its mouth. Actually, the Bloody Ogre was more terrible than this. While not being noticed by the creature, I tried to activate [Appraisal].

[Goblin Elite]

Level: 120

Magic: 100

Attack: 1500

Defense: 1000

Agility: 1500

Intelligence: 100

Luck: 100

I had somehow already guessed it was a goblin. But it wasn't a normal goblin, it was an elite. I guessed it was a high class goblin. So enviable. [TL: Because of his terrible life so far, he even envied a goblin, lol.]

Anyway, how should I put it? I know I'm above it in terms of stats, but... is this goblin really an enemy? Perhaps in this world goblins and humans are in a symbiotic relationship.

If that's the case, I'm the one to blame if I launch an attack here first. A Bloody Ogre and Hell Slime were the first ones to point their killing intent at me, and most of all, they tried to break into my yard, so it was easy to tell they were enemies. This time, I don't really know. The Bloody Ogre was an enemy, and honestly, I feel the goblin is probably an enemy as well, but let's be careful here.

I wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble and conflict if I could, so I quietly tried to escape.


Then I stepped on the tree's branch under my feet and made a sound. When I timidly turned to look back at the goblin──

Oh cool, our eyes met. The moment of silence continued. I couldn't bear to talk to it with a smile to act as friendly as possible.


It babbled incoherent sounds at me.


As a matter of course, the Goblin Elite rushed in, wielding a shabby sword.

Previously, I would have fallen on my butt, but now I could've seen the movement of the Goblin Elite closely and succeeded in evading it with plenty of room.

The Goblin Elite looked a little surprised by my dodging movement, the tone of its babbling reflecting its emotional state, but it immediately attacked again in order to kill me. I understood now that the goblin was, as I expected, an enemy. If I knew it was an enemy, I wouldn't be in the wrong even if I killed it, so when I brandished the [Absolute Spear], I remembered the contents of the book I bought.

It did not actually say how to hold a spear.

At the time, I wondered if I had already made a mistake in getting that book, but as I read on, the objective of the book was apparently to allow the reader to merely adjust their posture such that you can move more easily, with tips such as taking care to push it out while twisting when you thrust. That's the kind of thing that was written there.

Well, you could summarize it as "twist it while you thrust it" so in that sense, I appreciated it as a beginner.

As I looked calmly at the attacking Goblin Elite, I could immediately see that the Goblin Elite was swinging its sword from one side. In other words, the head and lower body were full of gaps. Without overlooking it, I remained calm, using the length of the reach of the spear, twisting it not only with my arms but also with my whole body.

Then, a spiral wind wrapped around the [Absolute Spear], and pierced the Goblin Elite's forehead precisely as intended. It managed to grunt with surprise. While I only pierced the goblin elite's forehead, the spiral wind wrapped around the spear was too powerful, and blew up the Goblin Elite's head. When I pulled the spear back, the Goblin Elite's head had already disappeared.

As its body staggered a few steps on the spot, it sprayed a tremendous amount of blood, before eventually disappearing into light particles.


For the first time, I actually felt the sensation of taking a life through the spear, directly in my hand. But strangely, my mind was calm. In actual fact, it was a miserable sight that would make me want to empty the contents of my stomach onto the ground, but I was fine. Of course, there was still the feeling that I had taken a life, so I understood the importance of that, but my instincts were saying that if I hadn't killed it, I would have been killed myself, so I felt that my mind and body had naturally adapted.

"The drops are... [Magic Stone: Rank D], [High Grade Demon's Fang], and [High Grade Demon's Skin], huh?"

To be honest, the skin was disgusting, and as one might expect, I had no use for it, so I just threw everything into the [Item Box]. Come to think of it, this was the first time I moved in armor, but my movement wasn't hindered at all. I personally liked it; it was good armor. At first I wanted to avoid fighting, but considering I was able to check on some things like this, in that sense it might have been good to fight something.

"Umm... It seems my level didn't go up."

I didn't level up, but it was good that I was able to practice the movement from that book against a monster. Moving my body in the garden was fine, but actual combat was a different story. Regardless of the contents, I was glad the book was a good purchase.

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