Lo And Behold

168 7 20

Early mornings are something that I have now grown quite used to, usually I enjoy waking up with Alma and partaking in our morning routines... But today feels cold and uncomfortable-
I stand beside my love as the both of us start the day off by cleaning our teeth and washing our faces.
Alma spits her toothpaste out into the sink and turns the faucet on, the both of us are quiet other than the soft sounds I utter as I try to suppress a yawn.

While I continue to clean my teeth and Alma rinses her face, I notice her hand lingering above her eye, gently caressing the very spot that Horace's dream predicted a cut.
She doesn't say anything, and she doesn't have to, I can see it in her just by the way she grazes the area with her fingertips. She's scared too.


As the both of us make our way downstairs, a few of the children have woken early and are waiting for breakfast -
Upon entering the dining room, we are met with the table roughly a quarter full,
Enoch, Emma, Olive and Claire sit in their respective chairs; once the children see us both they all bid good their mornings and exchange happy conversations.
(All other than Enoch who folds his arms and exaggerates his "Good Morning" so that it is flat and robotic sounding) -

"I trust you have all slept well then! It is however, 34 minutes and 12 seconds to early for breakfast, please feel free to get in early on your chores, or whatever it is you'd like to entertain yourselves with, until I have prepared breakfast!"
The ymbryne states kindly, fumbling around with her pocket watch. She is remaining as calm usual, facading a look as close to normality as possible for the sake of not frightening the children.


With given permission, Emma is the first to decide on doing something else over waiting, before she stands up to leave, she sparks up a brief conversation with me.
"Hey Noelle! As of late I've been reading 'Wuthering Heights' by what's her name.. oh oh - Emily Brontë!" She exclaims happily as she unbuckles the belt on her chair that keeps her lighter-than-air figure down with gravity -
I turn to her, pleasantly surprised. "Oh.. W-Wuthering Heights! Ahh I-I loved that book!" I reply, stifling a proud grin.
Emma holds the book up proudly and I roll my eyes when I realise that it is one of mine.

"Oh Emma I do w-wish you'd ask.. ask before taking my books." I say, unable to hide a small frown.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't think you'd mind!" She exclaims - I chuckle. I can't be mad at her for wanting to read anything by Emily Brontë -
"That's m-more than okay, please just.. don't rip, draw or fold the pages, I'd like it returned s-safely" I reply, smiling at her.
I seemed to be entirely unaware of the tedious presence that has found himself listening in and rolling his eyes in annoyance -

"Oh you are just like Millard, it's actually sickening" Enoch scoffs in his usual low, careless tone.

Emma shoots him a glare, and before I have the chance to defend my love of books, Emma pipes up - "Close your gob! It's not like you of all people would know good literature from the oil you stink of!"  -
"At least that oil you mentioned is more productive than sitting pretty and reading through a giant wad of paper!" He snaps back, still snarky.

Alma walks into the room and suddenly everything and everyone is silent. Nobody dares make a move; not even the birds outside chirp. Every living thing with half a brain is utterly still in the act of damn well knowing better, that is if they want to be spared -

"That is quite enough, you two! Not everyone in this household is awake, you are being awfully disruptive and I've had enough! Separate at once. We will be having words after breakfast!" She shouts in a loud whisper, pointing Enoch out of the room (to which he abides by at light speed, he won't admit it.. but we all know he is scared of her)

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