The Wayward Knight's Test

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Ozpin stared at the blonde in front of him. "So, Mr. Arc, let me summarize your story. More than a month ago, you were taken against your will by two peculiar twins."

Jaune nodded.

"By unknown means, you were forced into a place only known as Columbia."

Jaune nodded again.

"Here, you were forced to fight to survive. You faced hordes of extremists on both sides of the ethical scale to make it back home."

Jaune nodded for the last time while scratching the back of his head. "That about sums it up," Jaune replied, only for the headmaster to narrow his eyes slightly. Jaune knew the headmaster was aware that he had left some things out. Such included killing dozens or even hundreds of people, taking gene-altering vigors and plasmids, and traveling through space and time. Some were more believable than others. He just got home, and he did not want to be accused of being crazy and having delusions. 'I mean, I was drugged in Columbia, too, but that's beside the point.'

Fortunately, Ozpin wouldn't press on the subject unless it was vital. "From what I can see, you made it back in one peace." Ozpin gestured to him.

Jaune shrugged but grew confused at Ozpin's solemn look.

"Mr. Arc, during your time away, Beacon Academy and the city of Vale have been searching for you. Some took the liberty of reviewing your school records for any hint of your whereabouts. Because of this, your transcripts were re-evaluated."

Jaune's heart sank at these words. His blood chilled throughout his body, and his eyes remained wide while he looked at the headmaster. "Thankfully for you, I pulled some strings with the council to ensure you didn't face any legal troubles if you returned."

Jaune's shoulders relaxed upon hearing this, but his eyes focused on Ozpin.

"Unfortunately, you are not without other repercussions."

"Let me guess. I was expelled," Jaune finished with a shaky voice.

A silence hung over the two. Ozpin could see that Jaune was processing this information.

Jaune couldn't believe this. He had murdered countless to survive and fought off the most unorthodox machine nightmares. For Oum's sake, he fought a fucking GHOST, and that still didn't make the top list of things he had defeated. Jaune looked up at the headmaster, who had an understanding expression while nodding. Jaune's fists tightened as his anger rose, unknown that the fire building in him was also in literal terms. Jaune noticed the heat emit from his hands and quickly put out the flickering flames.

Before he could stand, Ozpin smiled. "A school can only expel someone who is a student. Technically, you shouldn't have been a student in the first place, but I overlooked your false papers to give you a chance."

Jaune frowned. "What are you saying?"

Ozpin pulled out a series of forms. There is more than one way to apply for Beacon. While some students come from training academies, others come directly from the frontier without formal education. Sound familiar?"

Jaune nodded along, a hopeful expression growing.

"Their entrance exam is similar to that of a high school GED. Prove that you belong here mentally and physically. If so, you will officially be recognized as a student."

Before Jaune answered, he folded his arms and leaned back a bit. "I take it that the rest of the school knows about my transcripts?"

Ozpin shook his head. "Your private information and enrollment status were handled internally. Only your name was removed from their team due to your disappearance."

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