On the edge of darkness-16

Start from the beginning

"now get satisfied much, you turned everything worst kongpob,"

He shook his head with tears spilling down his eyes "...I only thought to make p'arthit leave me, this is not," he sobbed "I never thought to do this,"

Knott face turns red for kongpob behaviour "you will never understand how much Arthit loves you, I am warning you kongpob, if I see you hurting Arthit again..."

Kongpob looks down "sorry.."

"you should be" knott seethed as he walks away

his lips quivering he is trembling as his shoulders curls, knott comes back, patting kongpob shoulder "try to sleep," knott goes and gets a blanket he helps kongpob to sleep on couch and covers him with blanket which kongpob remember he used the same blanket in the afternoon when Arthit sleeping in his lap he is tearing up again remembering everything he spoiled everything with his own hands, still remembering the scene of David slapping Arthit was shaking him up he looks to the closed door of Arthit bedroom and tears up again murmuring repeated sorries when his goal was to chase Arthit away from his life then why he is hurting now, after all he succeeded in achieving but its hurting him more now he clenching his hoodie close to his chest and he tugs in his pant pocket getting the box out, which he get it when he excused for rest room

he sits up holding the box he keeps staring to blurred yellow diamond stud he gets a teary smile he sits up staring to the stud and gets the stud out and he finds a small letter in the box. It's a folded paper like a small note

"to kongpob,

I am searching for a good gift but I cannot find any, hope you will like this yellow diamond, I am giving a diamond to my diamond +55, please be happy always, its says that diamonds are pure and light I felt that represents my kongpob, your my love and pledge I am committed to you kongpob, whenever your wears this diamond that represents you're mine

Yours waiting love,

I am someone who loves a person who does not love me back, I am waiting for you kongpob, please accept me..."

Holding the small note close to his chest he keeps sobbing he is hugging his knees and held his chin on top of his hands he is letting the tear fall, Arthit do love him even if he knew kongpob is sick, kongpob mother left him when he was sick he is trembling how Arthit accepts him when his own mother did not!


It was in the morning, kongpob woke up feeling headache and he wants to have some coffee he remember Arthit getting him coffee on a warm morning, he smiles in a sad way and looks to room door which is still closed.

He gets up to mix coffee for them he walks to knott who is working in the storeroom "p'knott do you want coffee,"

"I already had, marise mixed coffee for all of us, Arthit and marise went on a walk, can you help me to arrange store room"

Kongpob felt bitter he touched his pant pocket where he pocketed the small ear drop black box. he wants to know who is marise? Knott answers says marise must have mixed coffee for Arthit too, and he find that even more bitter and now knott is arranging the storeroom for what? is the new guest going to stay here, he think it's not right to call her guest, she must be a family member she seems very close to the family

Knott ask kongpob "move these boxes out," he says and walks out from the room

Kongpob steps in the room, again sneezing and sneezing he had dust allergy he cannot stand the dust yet he is going to help, he don't want to be a free lodger in the house, he picking up the big boxes and bringing them out, he is careful to see if there any cockroaches his eyes are tearing up already cause of dust, its his adverse effect of the major surgery he had, his headache is worsening, he already moved five boxes out and knott was back with new boxes and places them down "fill all the scattered books into the box,"

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