The Domed City of Glasgow

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     In the late 2190s, tensions between the United States and Russia were high, and a nuclear war was inevitable at that time. One day, there was a "malfunction" in a satellite that the US uses to detect incoming nukes. Due to the current relationship between the US and Russia, the people in charged didn't suspect a thing about the malfunction. So, the US launches the first three ICBMs to Russia. These three nukes were headed to Moscow, Volgograd, and St. Petersburg. Realizing the satellite was malfunctioning, the US informs nearby fleets in the Atlantic, France and Britain to stop and destroy them. After a long and difficult time intercepting the ICBMs, Russia wasn't nuked and a nuclear war was stopped. However, the debris from the nuke destined for St. Petersburg fell so close to the Scottish shore, with some of it actually landing inland.

     The "malfunction" was revealed to be a hack, leading to an alleged arrest. Following this, one of the soldiers in command resigned, and in an unrelated event, the American president was later impeached for illegal activities. Tensions between the two superpowers were later eased, as the Russian president stated: "As long as that fearmongering president is out of office, we won't be launching nukes to America." Though the conflict between the US and Russia was resolved, Great Britain was in a "state of fear" following the nuclear close call incident. This later resulted in the creation of a project, created by the British government, called "Project Albion".

    The project proposes to construct domes in cities around the country to shelter and defend the country's most vital and important economic hubs, such as London, against future nuclear wars. To make this project possible, the British government need cooperation from all leaders across the United Kingdom. In addition, the British government requested economic support from other nations in order to continue funding the project. A few decades later, the first dome of Great Britain was completed in the city of Glasgow, Scotland.

Main Story:

     From a distance, the dome seems to be a typical glassed-in, environmentally friendly dome, but it is really made up of three separate defense systems. The first one is the "Shield". It is constructed of the toughest materials with high melting points, such as Titanium, and is reinforced with Starlite to withstand high temperatures. The "Forcefield" is the second and primarily one. Thanks to advancements in technology, the force field can protect the dome from air strikes. The third and last line of defense are ground-based missile launchers capable of intercepting incoming air strikes and missiles.

     In September 12, 2223, the people in charge of this project will be holding an event in the center of the city, to demonstrate the features of the dome's defense systems. Many British parliament officials, especially British prime minister Fredrick Davies, as well as many world leaders (like the US and Chinese president) will be attending the event. On the night of September 12, 2223 (around 8:30 pm), the event starts. The prime minister first gives a speech about the benefits of the dome for the country's future security, and then proceeds to thank the US and Chinese president for the cooperation in the project, as well as head of the project for successfully building the country's "future". Unbeknownst to all the people in the event, as well as the city, the Voltars start their invasion in both Britain and the rest of the world.

     Dr. Paul Cameron, the head of the project, as well as a Scottish-born citizen from Edinburgh, first thanks the prime minister and everyone who worked with him in making the first dome in Glasgow possible. He then tells the people in the event about the dome's defense systems, as well as the commanding base for the dome's defenses. He also tells everyone that the dome's forcefield has a "safety key", wherein only he can put them down, in case someone sabotages the city's main defense system. As he keeps on explaining more about the defense systems, the British prime minister and Paul gets informed that the United Kingdom is under attack, so the event stops and people leave. The British prime minister, important officials, as well as the world leaders attending event, are escorted to Glasgow's dome command base.  

     Dr. Paul Cameron takes government officials around the command post and base. He informs them that the dome's defense systems are currently active and that the dome's satellites are still monitoring for any incoming Voltar spaceships. The British prime minister asks Paul if the defense systems will protect them. He replies that he has dedicated his life to the dome/project and that he has worked on the defense systems for 24/7. He adds that he has used every new and advanced piece of technology, to ensure that the defenses will protect the city. He assures the prime minister that it will protect them. Prime Minister Davies is notified that the Voltars have executed most of the Royal Family in London, England. The remaining son, Prince Matthew, is currently on his way to the city.


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