ch-16 : Mystery solving....

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Iris POV:-
When Mr.Andrew says about removing Eric. We all look at him. I know he is rude something but he is also sweet. We all love Eric........a lot. Well we all know we argu a lot but that doesn't mean we hate each other. Without him our group is incomplete. Without him we will never get to have fun at all...

"No need Mr.Andrew!" I say

"Yeah! We love our Leader a lot.." Chris says. than we all go and hug Eric

"We love you!" Noah says while hugs him

"I love yall too..." Eric replies. We all just move away from him in shock

"Are you okay?" I ask Eric in shock

"This is not our Leader for sure.." Chris says in shock too

"Now what happened??!" Mr.Andrew askes

"He said he loves us!!" I say while pointing at Eric

"So... what's with that?" Mr.Andrew askes

"This is the first time in years he said this!" Chris tells Mr.Andrew

"Oh my god!......... You know what...yall continue arguing, I'm going back!" Mr.Andrew says with a sigh and goes away. We all continue arguing

Mr.Andrew POV:-
Being a manager is hard, mostly a manager of Xstar.. I know they argu a lot but they also love each other and care about each other a lot. I still remember 2 years ago when I had introduce them to each other. That time they didn't even talk to each other, mostly iris. Chris was the one who start a conversation. Since than they started talking and arguing. Well I'm sure iris will not need another female member to keep her company. Being their manager I have noticed that, they have this unbreakable bond between them. Even tho I hate when they argu, I still am very lucky to be their manager.

I was now standing outside Mr.Kendrick's office. He is the main manager. He tells us what to do and not. I take a deep breath and knock

"Come inside." A deep voice answers from inside. So I open the door and see Mr.Kendrick sit on his desk with a black suit on. "Take a sit" he says while signaling me to sit on the chair in front of him. So I go and sit down "how is iris?" He askes

"She is good." I reply

"So did you talk to them about the 6th namaste!!?" He askes

"Yeah!, they don't want a 6th member.." I reply

"Oh okay than! And make sure that no one finds out about what happened to iris... we will be at great risk than" Mr. Kendrick assures me

"Okay sir!," I say

"I hope Charles is on a look out of this case" he says

"Yeah! He is, I have talked to him just this morning.." I reply

"Okay!" He says

"May I leave now sir?" I ask

"Sure!" He replies and I go outside

Time skips~

Charles POV:-
Right now Sean, Chester and Patrick were in my cabin with me. We where thinking about who must have tried to kill iris.

"Charles!, I checked the criminal past history and I found one similar; it happened 2 years ago!" Chester says while looking in the file assuring us. That suspicious; 2 years age Xstar was formed...

"Which one?" Sean askes Chester

"Oh that girl group with 5 members!" Chester replies

"Oh yeah!" Sean says, well 2 years ago there was a group with 5 members. It was a all girl group. They all were actually good friends with each other. A girl named Alice from that group had a crush on a boy and the other girl from that same group purposely dated Alice's crush. In anger and jealousy Alice killed that girl who dated her crush. Later we found Alice also killed by someone but we don't know who that someone was till now. We tried our best to find but no that person had just vanished into thin air.

"Her name is Airis..,That girl who got killed by Alice.." Sean says

"How do you know that?!" Patrick askes before I could

"Well I had googled her!, she was actually very famous for her fashion brand.." Sean say. And than I realize something

"What was her name again?!" I ask in shock

"Airis!, why?" Sean replies and askes.

"Why are you so shock Charles?" Chester askes me

"In the name Airis if you remove the letter A than what word do we get.?" I ask them

"Iris!" Sean says and then they all realize. I could see their shocked faces

"What does that even mean, Charles?" Chester askes me

"I don't know but we will have to find out soon." I say assuring them

"Hey, do you think Iris's room might have a CCTV camera?" Sean askes

"Maybe!, we could go and check tomorrow!" I reply. I hope they have a camera and we catch that guy soon. I don't want to risk Iris's life.

"Okay!" They reply. I than take my phone and walk out of my cabin while the others searched in few more files to find something.

The Next day...

We all go to the Xstar dorm and ask Eric about the CCTV camera and hopefully they do have one. We than check the camera with the help of Chester. Well Chester is more like a hacker, he can hack devices very quickly. We all see the footage again and again but because of the dark the face was not visible. He had also covered his face which was making it more impossible to see who he actually is..

"Are you even a girl?!" Sean turns towards iris and askes her

"Are you blind?!" She says while crossing her arms.

"I mean like, if any other girl was there in your place than.... she would have never even dared to grab the knife like that!" Sean says

"Well!, I'm not that any other girl.... I'm me, I'm iris!!" She replies trying to show attitude

"Yeah!, the iPhone's virtual assistant...I know.." Chester says while laughing..

"It's not funny you guys.." she says. Well by her name i remember something that I need to tell Eric....

To be continued...☆ミ

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