"why are people so mean?"

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a/n: dating
goblet of fire
hella teen boy angst in this

after harry was picked in the tournament he was being tormented throughout hogwarts

it hurt y/n's heart to see her boyfriend being treated like this so she always offered a shoulder and an ear to him

he always acted like it didn't bother him but y/n knew deep down that it did

his mood had been down lately due to the stress of the tournament and everyone hating him

students wore "potter stinks" badges all throughout and the school and it made y/n's blood boil

y/n was well liked throughout all houses and grades and she was dating harry so people thought that was odd she would be dating someone like him

"harry?" y/n asked as she creaked open his dorm door

she noticed how down he had been recently so she decided to bring him some sweets from honeydukes and a soda pop

"y- y/n?" harry asks, looking at her as she enters

y/n sees him wrapped in blankets in bed, laying and not doing anything

"are you alright?" y/n asks as she closes the door behind her

"yeah" he answers, letting his head fall back down

y/n could tell he wasn't alright. he looked so tired.

"do you need something?" he asks as he sits up

y/n for a full view of his eye bags and red eyes, probably due to crying

y/n knew he wasn't ever taught to open up about his emotions but she wanted to crack his shell

"harry baby," she started, her voice soft and welcoming as she placed down the treats she brought. "you know you can talk to me right?"

she walked over to the edge of his bed and he looked up at her with wide, red eyes

he nodded in response to her question and bit back that choking feeling of when he would start to cry

"i know there's a lot happening right now and i'm here for you, you don't need to keep everything to yourself" she said, barely above a whisper in the softest, most delicate voice he had ever heard

harry couldn't speak due to the lump in his throat

he bit his bottom lip unknowingly and scooted over for y/n to get into bed with him

"c- an you hold me?" harry asked. his voice shook and cracked within his heavy emotions

he was afraid of being vulnerable with people but y/n seeing his soft side made her feel special

there were very few people who saw harry weak or vulnerable and he would have to trust someone 100% to be in that state with them

"of course sweetheart" y/n smiled softly as she crawled into bed with him

harry laid on her chest, arms curled into himself as y/n held him and stroked his hair slowly

"my sweet boy" y/n whispered as she ran her fingers through his grown out hair

harry felt safe and protected in her arms, something he had rarely felt before

"is there anything you want to talk about?" y/n asked

harry's lip started to tremble and he finally broke and started to cry

"i- n- no" he sniffled

"oh harry, im sorry" y/n said as she saw this.

she had never seen him cry and it made her happy to see that harry trusts her but sad that her favorite boy is crying

harry sniffled and cried quietly in her arms, letting all the pent up emotions flow out

"why are people so mean?" harry cried and his heart broke

he whimpered at his emotions and his heart ached as he finally let himself feel what he had been pushing down for so long

"i don't know harry" y/n responds with a sigh. "i know it's hard to go through all of this but i hope you know ill be there for you through all of it"

"i didn't wish to get picked for the tournament, now ron hates me too" harry sniffled

his chest pumped as his heart was gutted and ripped inside of him. he had so much hurt in his heart his chest felt physically tight

"i know you didn't want to, it's not your fault" y/n whispered.

she brought so much comfort to him. "ron will come round, i'll give him a little talk?"

harry was breathing heavily and was gripping y/ns shirt for comfort from her.

all he wanted right now was her and he fully indulged himself with her by holding her so tightly

"it's gonna be okay" y/n kissed the top of his head and put his grown out hair behind his ear

harry whimpered with his eyes filled with tears as he looked up at y/n from her chest

he had big eyes with tears running down his cheeks and he looked so heartbroken

"i love you harry" y/n assured him as he cried to her

"i love you y/n, so so much" he sniffled

y/n gave him a caring smile and caressed his cheek. "cry it out baby, all you want"


minutes later,

harry had cried all his tears and was laying silently on her chest now

harry yawned and this caused y/n to yawn as well

"are you sleepy baby?" y/n asked as she pushed his hair off of his forehead

harry's eyes were closed but he responded by nodding slowly, rubbing his cheek up and down her chest

"awh take a nap, i'll be here" y/n responded

"thank you y/n" harry announced

"for what?" y/n asked

"listening to me" harry smiled

it made y/n visibly upset that no one had ever let harry cry or been there for him through anything.

he faced life on his own and y/n decided she will be the one to be with him through it

"i'll always be here for you, whatever you need" y/n told him sincerely

"thank you" harry said whole heartedly. he loved y/n unconditionally and from the depths of his heart so hearing this made him weak

y/n smiled back to him. "now take a nap darling, get some rest"

she cuddled him to sleep and drew shapes on his back while he slept off his exhaustion

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