jealousy - request ❣️

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a/n: friends with benefits
half blood prince
i don't really see harry as the jealous possessive type but this is how i think he would react

y/n was just leaving her last class with her seat partner draco while discussing a project

"merlin a two page essay on a basilisk??" y/n complains, throwing her head back. "due tomorrow!"

"gosh, professor is trying to kill us" draco whines

y/n grunts as she leans herself against the wall

"i guess ill be in the library all night" y/n says letting her head hit the wall

draco leans against the wall as well, facing her

"i really don't feel like writing this" she complains, the agony of the essay building in her stomach

"oh come on, you get all o's" draco says trying to comfort her

"yeah but it's a lot of work" she continues

draco hums as he realizes he has to do the essay as well

"i don't want to do it either, perhaps we can do it together?" he asks

"yeah you get pretty good grades as well, see you in the library tonight?" y/n asks

"yeah i'll see you later" the slytherin says giving her a quick side hug and walking off

"bye draco" y/n turns around to go back to her dorm with the intention to get some rest before she goes to write her essay

she walks slowly, enjoying the halls of hogwarts when her friend walks up to her

harry watched the whole interaction between them

the giggling, the smile, the hug.

he hated draco. and it bothered him that draco was so friendly with y/n

y/n wasn't worried about draco though. she loved harry and only ever saw draco as a friend or study partner

"why's malfoy all up on you baby?" harry asks

"well hello to you too harry, and what do you mean all up on me?" she questions

"why's he touching you like that?" harry asks again

"like what? hugging?" she questions again trying to figure out what's bothering him

"yes" he answers

y/n giggles. "oh really? he can't be hugging me?"

"exactly" harry says interlocking their hands as they continue walking

y/n giggles again. "and why's that?"

"because i don't like people touching what's mine" harry whispers in her ear in a deep voice

harry was oblivious to what he just did to her as chills went down y/n's spine which went straight to her heat.

harry being subconsciously possessive of her was a first and y/n liked it.

y/n smirked knowing her panties are pooling right now

"oh really?" she asks as they enter her dorm

harry enters after and closes the door, placing their book bags down for them

harry doesn't understand that y/n only talks to draco as a peer. he's very smart and y/n is as well

"can you tell draco to keep his bastard hands to himself?" harry asks, hugging y/n

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