shut up seamus!

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a/n order of the phoenix
this is a short one

fifth year had been rough for harry and y/n knew that

he lost cedric at the end of last year and no one believes him that the dark lord is back

well most people don't, y/n does

harry's mood has been low recently and he felt like everyone hated him. mrs dolores didn't help with that either

it was a typical wednesday as harry and y/n walked through the common room

y/n was well liked and respected even though she was dating harry. but she didn't care what other people thought about him. she loved him

harry walked to the dorms through the common room as people give him snarky looks and whisper to their friends about him

"prophets saying a lot about you harry" seamus says in his stupid high pitched voice

harry was so tired of everyone hating him after he tried his hardest year after year

"okay, so what" harry turns around

"no one was there the night cedric died harry" seamus spits

"okay why don't you read the prophet then like your stupid mother it will tell you all you need to know" harry reply's

"don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" seamus says, obviously aggravated

"i'll have a go at anyone who calls me a liar" harry spits back

"merlin y/n why are you dating this lunatic" seamus turns to y/n, who's at harry's side

"oh shut up seamus" y/n spits back

"he's mad" seamus starts the rant again "do you believe the rubbish he's coming out with, with you know who?" seamus points his finger at harry

"yeah i do, and what about it?" y/n says, stepping closer to seamus

"geez, harry spread all this rubbish onto you?" seamus says completely shamelessly

"insult him one more time seamus" she starts in a stern voice. "i'm fucking done with it"

"oh yeah? your boyfriend is full of shit" seamus spits, confidently

y/n looks back at harry for a split second before all of her built up rage channels into a punch she lands on seamus's face

"y/n!" harry calls. he wasn't expecting that

"ohhhh" she hears the common room chorus

seamus falls to the ground and holds his nose, which is bleeding profusely

"go cry about it to your stupid mother" y/n tells him as he looks at her with watering eyes

"anyone else got a problem with harry?" y/n says as she backs up to harry

no one dares to respond and the room goes silent

"good" she smiles

harry walks up to the dorms and y/n follows soon after

"i- i didn't expect that y/n" harry says, sitting down on his bed

"im just so tired of people talking about you after you save their dumbasses year after year" y/n says, throwing her head back

harry nods his head in agreement

"how do you put up with that? and seamus especially?" she asks "seriously seamus had it coming"

"i don't know" harry responds dryly "im tired of it for sure but what can i do about it, people are going to believe what they want"

"i know, but i hope you know that i believe you harry" y/n says cupping his face

harry doesn't say anything but launches up from his sitting position and attaches his lips on y/ns, putting his hands on her cheeks

y/n was the only one there for him when everyone else was against him and he loved her so much for that.

he couldn't find the right words to express his appreciation so he just deepened the kiss

and y/n kissed him back until they slowly parted lips

harry pulled back and looks at y/n's face cupped in his hands as y/n tried to figure out what he was thinking

harry was lost in love with this girl. everytime he looked at her he saw his future and a safe place. he was so in love with this girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her

"are you alright harry?" she asks

harry snaps out of his own reality and clicks back into this one as he shakes his head

"yeah yeah," he says. "t-thank you"

"for what?" y/n asks

"everything" harry says as he drops his hands from her cheeks. "thank you for sticking up for me and being by my side through everything"

"i'll always be here when you need me harry," she smiles. "i love you"

"i love you y/n" harry says as he pulls her into a close, heart to heart hug

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