The Legend Reincarnated

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*Y/n PoV*

Y/n: 'Hmm, I wonder what it would be like to turn into Primordial Malzeno, I bet it would be cool, and it be cooler if I had Safi'jiiva's powers!' I thought to my self, as I ride my bike to the store to get some pop tarts. As I headed to the store, I heard music playing nearby, looking at where the music came from I saw that the Millers were having a party.


I then heard three loud shots coming from the Miller's home, it was quite common for them to shoot into the air when they had a party even tho the police told them to stop since they could hurt someone, but they never listen.

Y/n: "The Millers are lucky that they have killed anyone yet." I said to my self, as I continued to the store, but then I felt pain on my back, causing me to fall of my bike. I screamed in pain as I hit the floor, I tried to get up, but couldn't do to the pain, then tried to yell for help, but do to the loud noise of the nearby party and thanks to the fact nobody usually goes through this street at this hour, nobody could hear me and help me, and then everything slowly faded to black.

Y/n: 'Huh, did I survive? Did someone manage to find me on time? And how long was I out for...? Why is everything so dark?' I mentally asked myself, trying  to figure out what's happening. As I tried to move I felt something was different with my body, but I couldn't see what was wrong as everything was dark and wet, and something was surrounding my body, I then tried to break out of whatever was surrounding my body.

Y/n: 'Damn it, what the hell am I inside of, and who put me here!?' I asked my self as I hit at the walls of my prison in a desperate bid to escape, then I heard a crack as a bit of light seeped into my prison, but then I heard a voice.

???: "The mudwing and silver egg is hatching." A feminine voice said.

???2: "It can't hatch yet! We have only five!" A male voice said in a panic.

???: "Feel free to explain that to the egg." The woman said, sounding a bit unamused.

Y/n: 'Eggs? What are they talking about? What the hell is happening?' I asked my self a bit confused. But after thinking on what was happening, I heard third voice start speaking.

???3: "I got it!" A guy yelled out as I hear stomping out side

???: "Webs, that's a rainwing egg. You brainless salamander." The woman said, sounding annoyed to the now named 'Webs'.

Webs: "It's all I could get!" He said trying to defend himself.

???2: "Put it with the other, quick!" The man said ina hurry.

???: "The prophecy calls for a skywing! And you bringing us a lazy, stupid rainwing?"

Webs: "Queen Scarlet destroyed all the skewing eggs that would have hatched  tonight. And we need six dragonets for the prophecy!" He told the woman.

Y/n: 'What do they mean prophecy? And what kind of eggs are they even talking about? What the hell is happening?' I asked my self, but before I could question my self further, I heard the sound of cracking, and second guy started talking again.

???2: "Look! He hatched." The man said. "So that's a baby mudwing."

Webs: "He's kind of... cute a little... blobbier than I expected."

???: "He looks dim, exactly as i expected. "

Webs: "We need a mudwing name for him." He said as I then heard more cracking.

???2: "Yes, something muddy."

???: "very insightful Dune."

Webs: "How about Clay?" He asked, as then I heard a small and cute roar and something move next to me. "He's attacking them!"

Dune: "Kestrel what is wrong with him?" Dune asked.

Kestrel: "Nothing. He's what we needed. A little monster."

Webs: "Hmm? Hey the silver egg stopped hatching." He said getting the attention of the other two.

Y/n: 'Wait is he talking about me, am I inside an egg!?' I asked my self, before deciding fuck it, and forced my self out of my prison. As light flooded my vision. After my eyes adjusted to the light, I soon saw three gigantic dragons towering in front of me.

Dune: "Interesting, I never seen a dragon tha looks like this before." He said as he examined me.

Y/n: 'Wait, did he say dragon!?' I quickly looked towards my hands, only to realize that they've been replaced by claws covered in silver scales.

Kestrel: 'I don't know, but he doesn't look like much." She said eyeing me up.

Weds: "What should we call him?" He asked.

Dune: "Hm, how about... Y/n?"

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