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Y/n woke up to her brother shaking her. When her eyes adjusted she noticed his face looked stressed. He knew his sister did not want to get married, especially so young, so when he heard the news that the Madrigals had accepted and that Camilo Madrigal would be marrying Princess Y/n , he immediately thought about how she would react.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked tiredly.

"They accepted it. You're gonna get married." He said. Y/n looked at him and blinked. She just responded with an 'Ok' before getting out of bed. She held a straight face to not worry her brother but inside she was freaking out. She was not ready for this.

She was wearing satin Pj's. She put on her slippers while her brother just watched her.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" Andrés asked. She sarcastically said yeah but he knew she wasn't happy about the arrangement. It wasn't fair. He is 17, about to be coronated and he didn't need to get married, but she is 15 and has to get married "just in case."

She asked him to leave to she could get ready for the day.

Her mother had already told her that if they accepted she would go live with her Fiancé and his family to get to know him and then after a few months he would come here. Y/n was excited to leave but not under the circumstances.

Her suitcase was already packed by her equerry, Antonella. She was going to leave the next day. She met her mother, brother, and little sister and the table for breakfast. Like usual she was quiet but Natalia noticed something was off about her sister. The way she looked down at her plate was not like her.

They all finish breakfast and Y/n walks outside to the garden. The most peaceful place. Where she can escape her mother's wrath. She loved her mother but her mother treated her like a worker rather than her daughter. She did that to Andrés too. Natalia had the best out of the three of them. Mother cherished her because she was the youngest and not next in line for the throne.

Y/n gave a big tired sigh before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Natalia?" She was startled by the sudden appearance of her sister.

"S-sorry." she nervously giggled and sat next to Y/n. They sat next to one another for a few minutes before Natalia spoke up again and asked if she was alright.

Y/n responded vaguely by saying "I'm ok."

Natalia was not necessarily satisfied with that answer but knew that's all she would get out of her sister. They sat and talked for a while in the garden before it was time for dinner.

Her mother kept sneaking glances at Y/n. She looked up at made eye contact with her mom.

"Y/n. You're leaving in the morning for a few months. Talk to us." The Queen said.

"I don't have anything to talk about." Although she didn't want to talk to her family she knew how much trouble she'd be in if she showed any disrespect. Her mother rolled her eyes before going back to her food. Dinner finished rather fast my after that.

After dinner Y/n went to her room and put on her pajama's. Upon exiting the bathroom she heard a knock on her door if being her siblings. She softly smiled and let them in.

"I'm gonna miss you." Natalia said hugging her sister. "I'll miss you too." Y/n responded.

The three sat on Y/n's bed and honestly just gossiped for hours. Andrés and Natalia fell asleep in Y/n's room. Y/n got up to go to the bathroom.

Washing her hands she looks up at her reflection after drying her hands. She lets a tear slip thinking about leaving her brother and sister for months and possibly after that, years. She ends up sobbing in the bathroom before getting up and going to bed.

Thank you for reading!!!!!!

Chapter 3 will be published on May 19th at 1pm!!!

685 Words

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