| Chapter 8: Campsite Genocide |

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It was the night of the
camping trip.

Alex wasn't expecting much. Just distract Uzi's classmates, wait till Uzi finds Doll or gets answers about the Absolute Solver and her mother's past, and go home Scott free, right? Well, this camping trip went a whole different route.

Alex was now waiting outside of the corpse spire, waiting for N and V to get ready. He looked up at the celestial bodies in the sky with a nervous expression. For some reason, he has a bad feeling about this. He doesn't know. He just has this... feeling. Soon, N and V came up beside him, now wearing scoutmaster outfits with wide-brimmed campaign hats. N's hat was hiding his headband lights, while V's was pushed back. N's outfit is brown, while V's is green. They looked like average camp counselors, which is perfect! "Exactly what we needed!" Alex thought as he gave both of them a thumbs up.

N heaved him onto his shoulders and shot up and through the sky hole of the spire, V following suit. She looked more agitated than excited like Alex and N were, she also seemed... concerned. N and Alex were too, but Alex barely saw anything V actually cared about or loved. So, why is she looking uncomfortable now? Maybe she's nervous just as N and Alex were about Uzi? Or maybe it's a different reason as to why she's worried? Maybe she's not at all, but she's unusually this moody or distant. Is it a bad kind of worry? N and Alex were just concerned about Uzi's Absolute Solver and the fact that she's distancing herself away from them. All these questions were running through Alex's mind as they flew through the air.

Eventually though, they arrived far away. A different forest than the one that Alex's bunker is in. It's more west. Soon, N and V started scoping the ground below them like vultures, N gripping his hands gently on Alex's legs to make sure he didn't fall. Soon, they saw a faint yellow rectangular figure on the ground while little figures like ants crawled out of the vehicle. "This must be the field trip Uzi was talking about." Alex thought, squinting his eyes to get a better view. Even using his chemical mask visor to zoom down into the ground below. The figures seemed to be interacting. Right before he could say anything, N and V shot down to the land, Alex yelping out of the sudden

 Right before he could say anything, N and V shot down to the land, Alex yelping out of the sudden shock

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As N and V land, Alex jumps off of N's shoulders and lands between V and N. They both have the 'X' icon in their visors with toothy grins on their faces. They seemed ready to murder, which made Alex feel worried, but N quickly recovered that by standing upright and saluting Uzi's classmates. "Welcome, campers!" He greeted cheerfully, while V just put her switched talons on her hips with a moody expression. "Let's sound off!" Alex gave N the clipboard, N nodding as a thanks, and started counting the campers one by one. "One, two...!" He smiled as he pointed at some of them.

The classmates looked scared, horrified and shocked. V saw this as a great opportunity to shoot a Worker Drone student in the head for no reason. The Worker Drone fell down with an error icon on his visor. N looked concerned, while Alex gave V a shocked and stern glare. "V!" He shouted. V just rolled her eyes and blew the tip of her pistol that she switched from her hand. N pulled the JCJenson pen off the clipboard and checked marked the paper on it for attendance. "That's everyone!" He said, turning to V with the same glare as Alex's, whispering; "Minus one..." He turned back to the classmates with a new smile on his face. He continued, "We've got so many distracting activities planned! So no sneaking off to investigate stuff..." N said in a sort of irritated tone, mostly to himself. He must be referring to Uzi, Alex thought. Speaking of which, far away, Alex noticed a little blush icon under both of Uzi's neon eyes again. "Hmm..." He pondered in his mind.

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