Hogwarts Express

21 2 0

Keskii pov

I woke up suddy, looking around I panicked at first until I remembered the events of yesterday.

Sitting up I pulled cloud to my chest. She was my stuffed unicorn and best friend.

"Cloud wes awr goin to scwool, and da professor said iz was a witch not a freak. Shes nice she helped get all dat stuff.


Mmmhmm buts we gotta be carefwll people's might not wike me.


I know I twy Otays I gatta puts you away I sowwy


I wov u too" I say putting him and my paci back hidden in my bag.

Shaking my head out I force myself to come out of my little space.

After a little I hear the professor knock on the door and open it.

"Come along miss. nightstalker we need to get to the station"


It took me a little time to work up the courage to run at the wall but I trusted the professor, crossing over I stared in amazement at all the students around me.

"This is where our time together ends for right now. I have to get back to the school and set some stuff up for you new students when you arrive. But worry not it won't be long till we meet again." The professor said, I last part like she was reading my mind.

"T-t-thanks for everything" I say before giving her a quick hug and walking on to the train.

I slowly walked down the aisle, and found an empty room. Sitting down I looked out the window.

"Excuse me is that seat taken?" A redheaded girl says from the door making me jump.

"O-oh u-um n-no, it's j-just me. " I stuttered nervously.

She takes a seat in front of me. And sticks out her hand.

"Hi, I'm hermine, second year Gryffindor."

"I'm k-keskii, it's my first year here. What's a Gryffindor?" I ask shyly taking her hand and shaking it.

"It's one of the four houses. You'll be sorted into one of them. You win points for your house throughout the year, and it also will be the place you'll be staying in, and the people who will be in your classes, that is unless it's a split class then there might be a different house with you. The four houses are, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." She tells me.

"Hmmm how do you get sorted?"

"A magic hat, I'm not going to go into detail, it's an experience everyone at Hogwarts goes through" hermine says with a chuckle

I feel the train start to move. I flinch suddenly unsure about this, id never been on a train before.

I sneakily reached into my bah so squeeze cloud's hoof, while my other hand was gripped onto my bag, my knuckles turning white from how hard I was holding on to it.

Hermine must have noticed my anxiety because I felt her hand cover mine and give it a small squeeze.

"Hey it's ok, this is probably the safest train in the world." She says encouragingly

"A-a-are you s-sure" my voice slightly quivering slightly higher.

"Yes, it's built strong and it has additional wards and charms to make it safer." She says, her thumb gently rubbing the back of my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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