Aron and Ridley

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"I can not believe we have to go on tour with Hollywood Undead." I say flopping down on our couch. 

"It might not actually be that bad." Ridley replies

"I'm Aron Erlichman's little sister. There is no way this is ending well." I scream into a pillow. The boys just walk through the door. 

"You guys act like you live here. What the hell?" Ridley yells at the boys. 

"Well we pretty much do." Danny replies. 

"No you pretty much do. With your attached to Addie at the hipness." She rolls her eyes at him. 

"Well she is sexy hexy." He winks at me. I scream into my pillow more. 

"Guys I think we broke Addie." Adam comments. 

"Look kid." Aron sits next to me. "You're gonna be fine. They don't have anything against you. Just don't talk about that and you'll be fine."


"Hell I don't know anything for sure." he laughs. 

"For all we know they could-" Ridley's cut off by Adam putting his hand over her mouth.

"Hey uh.. Addie, don't flip but they guys what us to hang out with them tomorrow. Get to know them better before the tour." Adam says looking at his phone. 

"You can do this Addison" I say encouraging myself.

"So, Ridley is it? You. Me. We should hang out sometime." Deuce says totally changing the subject. 

"Sure." She giggles and laughs. 

"Don't make me punk with you're fangirling." Danny comments. 

"Okay everybody out," I say. "including Ridley."

"What why? I live here." Ridley questions. 

"I just. I need a moment and then I'm going to sleep. Go have your hang out time with Aron or something." I say waving her off. 

"Do you want me to stay?" Danny questions. 

"What part of everyone did you not get." I go off to my bedroom and curl into a ball. 

"Sounds good with me." Deuce comments. Everyone walks out. 



"So where do you want to go?" I say as Ridley and I get into the car. 

"Surprise me." She smiles. 

"Okay then." I reply. I end up taking her to a LA party I heard about. She looks at me for a minute. 

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." She shakes her head and laughs as she gets out of the car. We walk in and the house is completely packed and the music is so loud you can barely here yourself think. Ridley pulls me to the middle of the floor and starts dancing on me. Somewhere in the middle of the song we're dancing to she just stop and looks at me and I can't help stare back. God her eyes are beautiful. Just before I'm about to lean in to kiss her she looks away. I think I might be falling- No. That's totally not what's going on here. She's just another hot chick dancing all over me and things got heated. Period. 

She grabs my hand and leads me outside to the deck and she stares up at the stars. She's seriously the most confusing person I've ever met, but I just can't help but get absolutely and totally lost in her. Her bright blue hair is perfectly framed in the moonlight. It's weird. I'm not usually like this. Snap out of it man. 

"So uh-" I'm cut off by Charlie Scene the asshole from my old band. 

"Hey. You're the Cryptic Scars chick we're going on tour with right?" Charlie interrupts 

"Yeah." She replies.

"Just wanted to say can't wait to tour with you guys." Charlie winks at Ridley and then shoots me a glare before walking away.

Seriously? What the hell was that? Who the hell does he think he is?

"What the hell was that about?" Ridley laughs

"That's a stupid question." I reply

"No not that. I know that, but what was that don't touch my girl look." She laughs again and kisses my cheek, then walks back into the party. 

What look? I didn't give any look like that. Maybe she was talking about Charlie. Why did she kiss my cheek? Deuce why are you freaking about a girl you just met? Seriously you need to stop thinking like this dude. 

I follow her back into the party and we dance for a couple more hours and then I drive her back to her and Addison's apartment. 

"I had a good time tonight." She smiles and kisses my cheek. Before I even have time to react to any of it shes already half way to her door.Seriously Aron. What is wrong with you tonight. This girl is seriously messing with your head. Maybe you really are falling for her after all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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