Dream 5.2 || May 8th - May 15th ||

Beginne am Anfang

The above banner and inline can be used for general chatting or questions! This section will be used to give updates and general announcements.

Welcome to the fifth month of Dreamland Guilds!

Let's give a warm welcome to our First Week Trial member: -DeeIsDead-! Please proceed to the Trial below and good luck!


---------Admin: avadel , Book: The Right to Die
Member(s): -DeeIsDead-

---------Admin: DrizzleTheWolf, Book: The War for Eventyr
Member(s): ToWolfKin

---------Admin: anonymous_audrey, Book: The World's End

---------Admin: anonymous_audrey, Book: The World's EndMember(s):

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(200) Book of the Week - Planatae by doodooferguson

(250) Slayer - The War for Eventyr by DrizzleTheWolf

(250) Silvertongue - Kin of the Curse by AliKatMeow

(100) Admin - The Right to Die by avadel

(100) Admin - The World's End by anonymous_audrey

(100) Guild Member - Any Member of Your Guild

(100) Guild Member - Any Member of Your Guild

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Guild Points: 0

---------Guild Member: DachetGrival | Iron Orchids
Book: This Is A Test
Status: Guild member
Points: 0
Coins: 1

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