25 | race

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Cabel and Skye filmed a bit but not much as he wasn't playing football here. They did film his training and were planning on interviews of any of the drivers who agreed. But they still hadn't seen the drivers yet. But today was qualifying day so they knew that would change.

"Just so you all know, I've been to one of these before and there's no way we're not getting interviewed today. Especially with our ten man entourage." Mason points out as the two cars finally emptied and they were ready to head in.

Tino was surprisingly silent and that made everyone else kind of glad that the two hadn't killed each other. But they were also curious as to how.

Sure enough though, it was smart of Tino not to comment on it because the seconds their passed were scanned, a sky sports reporter walked straight up.

They really were a sight to behold. Six footballers -two of which had leg braces-, and four others walked straight to the Ferrari hospitality. Olivier had chosen Ferrari because he knew that both Carlos and Charles were too dumb to notice Olivier's name on the guest list.

"Is it alright if I stop you guys for an interview really quick?" She asked and the only reason they all said yes was because of how kind she was.

"What brings you to the Australian GP today?" She asked them after a camera had been set up. Only the six footballers were being recorded, the others just sitting and watching.

"A few of them came to one of my matches without telling me so I just thought maybe I'd return the favor." Olivier shrugged and smiled at the camera. He was holding the microphone until Trent asked for it.

"Yeah and considering none of us made it to the international break, we might as well." Trent laughed with Ben. The other four kind of frowning at the reminder.

"And I see you're headed to Ferrari hospitality. Are you supporting anyone specific today?" She inquired and Tino shrugged.

"I think Olivier and Mason are the only ones who really know what this is." He said after he was given the mic. Mason's name came just above a mumble as he said it aloud.

"I gotta say I'm cheering for Lando though. I met him last time around and he's pretty cool." Mason admitted as he took the mic from Tino. That initiated a mic passing so everyone could pick a random driver.

"I think Mikel likes Carlos? I guess I'll go for him since he's spoken so highly of." Ben shrugs as Carlos was the only one he's heard of.

"I'm with Max, I have to have pride for my country." Jurrien smiled next.

"I've heard of George Russel a bit around the club. I'll go with him." Trent said and finally handed the mic to Olivier who was last.

"You know what, I'm going to go with Yuki. He's awesome, met him yesterday in the hotel lobby. He's the only one I've met so far who hasn't pissed me off at least once." Olivier decided and heard a chorus of the word fair.

"Well thank you all for coming, it's always great to have celebrities in the paddock. Have a nice day!" The woman finally said before walking off.

"Celebrities? We're only footballers." Olivier was confused by her word choice.

"How many times have you seen your face on an advertisement this month?" Tino asked.

"...once?" Olivier thought for a second.

"Ok, that brings me to two points. First one is that you need to make more money. And the other one is that that is one more time than anyone who isn't a celebrity." Tino told him and Olivier nodded.

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